Sheik charges needles in the air quickly, but slowly when she lands.
likely Intentional at the time it was coded, it would auto-cancle the animation when landing if it wasn't specifically coded to do otherwise
Ike eruption charge timer resets when he lands.
same as above
Snakes sideb normaly fires fast, but is slow if you land before it fires.
same as above
Charged falcon punch with the ultrataunt is also slowed down hellishly if used in the air and lands before the punch is released. This happens rarely cuz the move is fast. You will see it happen more on stages like temple.
same as above
Sonic uses upb. Then he charges down b in the air. Anytime sonic lands during spin dash, whether he releases the charge in air and lands or he releases charge after landing, his upb will not refresh after the spindash jumps up like it is supposed to.
probably a missed variable clear somewhere. easy fix
Lucas can cancel his psynet with pk fire by pressing the control stick left or right. When this is done, the hitbox from psynet that is supposed to hit at the end of psynet doesn't exist. Also, if you lnd while doing psynet, you can't cancel psynet with by pressing the control stick to the side like you normaly can.
The subaction completely changes to the grounded psynet when landing, so unless the grounded version is cancellable in that way normally, then it wont work. as for the hitbox, thats more then likely because when you cancel it, you cancel it into the pk fire action before the hitbox comes out.
Lucario can use his upb from the ground and again in the air. When he lands, he can't use it from the ground.
never experienced this, and i frequently use double up-b. Though lucario's recovery stuff is coded funky, so i can look into it
When charging Kirby's sideb, if he is hit, the fire from the end of the fully charged sideb appears infront of Kirby. Just a graphic error that has nothing to with the issue I was talking about.
This is a known issue and will be addressed
Also, thunderbrand is not animated properly. Try to take a picture when thunderbrand connects from a different angle. You will see that the thunder is in the foreground instead of at his fingertip. Also unrelated graphic error.
Never knew about this one, but if it can be fixed it will be
If these can be addressed, they likely will be in the next update.