BAHAHAHA. "Nuff said" killed me.Glyph said 3 jump ROB was balanced. Nuff said.
I KNOW RIGHT? IMMA OUTA HEERRE. Goodnight everyone. Stay tuned for some cool stuff regarding PR. I have a few things planned that just might make everyone very happyMy god Sammi go to bed.
Thanks Kien! ...Thanks Pin! I was definitely glad to read that in the changelog.Thank Kien for the Ganon changes... ...Anyways, the Ganon uTilt and dSmash are already being reverted
Oh, I know. I'm apprehensive about it because I really love playing the current Sonic build, but without actually playing 4.0 I don't know whether I'll like it or not. I'm torn partway between 'I'll wait and see' and 'It's the end-times for Sanic', but that's the dramatic in me.Wonderful thing about beta changelogs is they're beta. We're actually already discussing various ways to buff this Boost, as we determined a 1:1 of Palutena's Super Speed is a little too weak for Sanic since he and Palutena are still different characters.
I didn't really think of it that way. I should have.This is actually more of a personal thing that has to do with me as "leader". Basically, with every post I make, I feel as if I'm not only representing myself, but representing the game and the development team as a whole.
Hey, I'll be available in a few months when I finish my degree! I could probably even do some stuff before then. I don't always show it, but I've done a lot of formal writing in college. I think I could handle it.I have a few ideas regarding more publicity. It may even be in the best interest to recruit a dedicated writer to the team to handle PR on our relevant social media.
The reason we don't add a bunch of fighters is cause it takes forever. We need a model and a brawlex module to port over. The entire move set has to be buffed and balanced and the entire moveset and play style has to be designed from the ground up (and we might not have any PSA coders willing to do a full character psa who are very familiar with the fighter and also are decent at making characters with that playstyle). We might need to fix animations and write asm for the fighter. The fighter needs art resources and we need to do a re-render of the start screen. There's the aesthetic work with placing all of the right gfx and sfx in the right places at the right time. And of course most important, the character better be near silent cause until someone figures out how to rebuild sound files we have to use boss sound files, and let me tell you the number of sfx available falls off pretty drastically pretty fast. If you'd like to solve all of these issues and provide us a good, minus Cole Magarth (not using sounds over the any of the three bosses with the most sounds) fully meeting our quality standards I will personally do my best to see that Cole is added to's two o'clockalmost threeeee... and i'm still trying to catch up on the whole argument... but you guys saying things like "cole magarth is a terrible idea" is really rude -_- the community looks at a game like smash bros as a sandbox crossover fighter that the dev team can add many characters too... granted, it may be annoying to turn this into mugen with shitty unknown characters like a killer whale or the flail knight guy from zelda, it's still not a bad idea to try to expand on the already existing franchises... for instance, on that same page, there are tens of original and viable character ideas that would be awesome to see in the game... i put links to already made versions of suggested characters, like a shadow moveset and waluigi, but a LOT of really hard work went into typing out those movesets, and a lot of different people had very original ideas on there...
also, really? cole magarth is a terrible idea and pichu is a good one? -_- first off the pikachu in brawl is assumed to be that pichu from melee evolved... the evidence is in it's blue costume still having goggles, its green having the scarf, and its FS being volt tackle, which only a high level pichu can learn... .... .... and really? PICHU? :/ did you just do that so PM wouldn't get him first?..
I have appeared.The reason we don't add a bunch of fighters is cause it takes forever. We need a model and a brawlex module to port over. The entire move set has to be buffed and balanced and the entire moveset and play style has to be designed from the ground up (and we might not have any PSA coders willing to do a full character psa who are very familiar with the fighter and also are decent at making characters with that playstyle). We might need to fix animations and write asm for the fighter. The fighter needs art resources and we need to do a re-render of the start screen. There's the aesthetic work with placing all of the right gfx and sfx in the right places at the right time. And of course most important, the character better be near silent cause until someone figures out how to rebuild sound files we have to use boss sound files, and let me tell you the number of sfx available falls off pretty drastically pretty fast. .
This is probably the only time that I'm going to quote you directly in this thread, but I would like to point out that avoiding to have to speak with a specific person on the team, notably someone like myself who leads the project, is a major conflict in and of itself, and shows that despite you talking a lot about compromise and wanting to work with others, only shows interests in the exact opposite.I have to point out that there was an ed in the statement about me never wishing to speak to you again. As in, I intended to rejoin and simply do what needed to be done without directly communicating with you as a way to avoid conflict.
Sorry Kien, but Pin is right. It's like an employee trying to get a job and saying, "I want the job but I don't want to speak to the boss". You just can't do that. It would make nothing be done.This is probably the only time that I'm going to quote you directly in this thread, but I would like to point out that avoiding to have to speak with a specific person on the team, notably someone like myself who leads the project, is a major conflict in and of itself, and shows that despite you talking a lot about compromise and wanting to work with others, only shows interests in the exact opposite.
asdf I just finished adding the exact same metaphor to my post!Sorry Kien, but Pin is right. It's like an employee trying to get a job and saying, "I want the job but I don't want to speak to the boss". You just can't do that. It would make nothing be done.
I didn't see that when I was typing XDasdf I just finished adding the exact same metaphor to my post!
Crazy world, huh?
I added it into my post after I made it, but a few seconds before you posted yoursI didn't see that when I was typing XD
Of course the two have their heated debates, but what kept really happening is that Pin (and Sammi) would shoot down Kien's (and Gold's, too) ideas no matter how solid the arguments were.
Pin would have the final say and it would go through, and look where that has taken minus...
I don't like the direction minus has been heading recently. I miss how fun minus used to be when it everything was silly and it all just felt right.
like it's almost funny how many times i've seen the main idea of this go off the charts, and with evidence from kien himself even he's caught up in this large delusion about what is and isn't right.
this isn't about leadership, this isn't about the team, this isn't about the community, the only thing i've heard from literally everyone is that they're always the ones who know better, doesn't matter who it is but it's always them that should get the final say just because they have more knowledge in the matter
excuse me but what?!
i mean fuck the idea of thinking together or doing anything as a team, even if one is a specialist at something doesn't mean that they are the law for that subject matter. i don't understand the point of keeping this unnecessary "pride" for something so damn trivial like "link isn't strong enough" "ganondorf can't fly
it almost kinda amazes me how far this escalated just because of some disagreements with characters
that's literally it
like what's the point of arguing anymore? minus still takes itself too seriously, tries too hard to be cool like p:m despite not needing to, and worse of all apparently people's idealisms of fairness when developing something stems from arrogance.
i'm just gonna go back to lurking.