How come there's no listed change about no djing out of TL's dair? That's a pretty significant change.
Stone is supposed to be a surprise move from above, obviously, and is meant to be punishable, hence the amount of time it takes to complete the move in total.
Yoshi doesn't need armor on egg roll because it is a mobility tool with attack, grab and jump cancels, not to mention it clangs with weaker attacks already. He doesn't need a safe laser approach because he naturally has a bad MU against projectiles, and already has a way to semi-way to deal with them in the forms of his armored jumps and his flaming eggs. Not everyone should be able to blow through lasers. If Yoshi gets armor on egg roll, by all logical means Rob should get armor or his reflector back on his Rotor, and we all know how dumb that would be. Hell, by that same logic, EVERYONE should have armor on something to let them approach.
I am not going to play Armor: The Game.
Not that I disagree with all of your points but I feel that this was a poorly reasoned post. In particular the line that he naturally has a bad MU against projectiles so he SHOULDN'T get something against projectiles is a particularly galling lapse in logical thought. The whole point of balancing a game is to attempt to get rid of as many naturally bad MU's without creating additional imbalances so the fact that he is naturally bad against projectiles should be a point FOR buffing him against projectiles, not against it. Note I am not advocating the change to be made, just pointing out that saying that he has natural problems against something without pointing out what advantages he possesses that mitigate said problems is not good debate and I prefer good debate over meritorious points to strawman arguments and unfinished comments.
Note, the proper way to argue the point would be to point to the strengths Yoshi has in boxing and aerial game that make up for him only having a "way to semi-way deal with" projectiles. If you can not expound on said virtues, or, failing that, come up with a reasonable alternative buff (because if he's weak against projectiles and his other aspects are lackluster he would need buffed logically) then you are not presenting a good case.
Note I personally have no opinion on the issue of Yoshi as it stands because I haven't played enough against him to have an informed opinion. I HAVE participated in enough debates in my life to have an opinion on the proper way to conduct an argument though. I apologize if this post comes across as too harsh, but you hit a pet peeve of mine and I have been known to overreact when that happens. Thank you very much and have a nice blessed day![]()
TL's boomerang being a ko move at all is really dumb, especially when its very clearly a pressure/poke tool based off its design. Feels really weird when it wafts over to you and lightly bumps you, and you launch up into the air. Its like if a jab hit straight up and killed at 150. Just because thats not an unreasonable percentage for a move to kill doesn't mean that move SHOULD kill.
Another change I'm really bleh about is kirby's stone move having a hitbox when he comes out of it. Firstly, it makes a move that really reserves to be punishable on miss very easy to abuse. I get a lot of Warlock Punch vibe from this where the only times this is really going to be effective is when your opponent assumes that this move follows general smash logic and had an opportunity to be punished and randomly does not. Secondly, electric? Why? I thought we were past the 'slap a random element on moves' stage of minus.
Don't mean to sound rude, but how the heck do you just accidentally meet someone IRL and figure out they're that one guy you met on the internet?On another note, I met Thor today by coincidence and we are fleshing out that Falcon/Falco matchup. I expect we'll be mashing smash vs eachother super hard for the next two years or so.
Don't mean to sound rude, but how the heck do you just accidentally meet someone IRL and figure out they're that one guy you met on the internet?
Unfortunately this entire statement neither has relevance to what I said, nor helps Yoshi's case. Firstly, I do not spew reasonings without being informed or understanding what specific buffs would accomplish what. This debate is about adding armor to a mobile attack that has action cancels on it. If you don't know what armor does, it makes the character resist flinching up to a certain % (heavy armor) or resist it entirely (super armor). Egg Roll is not a move that needs to have any armor on it because of what it can do already.
Secondly, I actually play Yoshi, and I know what he can and can't deal with, so my reasoning is plenty justified. Buffing characters based on bad MUs only happens when there are moments like old Zelda vs Bowser, where it was so miserably one-sided that the match ups are flat out unfair. To say characters need buffs against projectiles (or more specifically mentioned, lasers) means we have one of two issues to deal with. Either everyone needs something to fight against these projectiles because they are clearly too strong, or the projectile itself is flawed, bringing us to this bothersome project of needing to buff everyone because of it.
I'm not against eliminating as many bad MUs as possible, but unless sensible buffs are suggested to handle things, characters will not receive buffs, and it will be explained why. It is not possible to 100% eliminate bad MUs in the sense that every character has strengths and weaknesses. Dorf and other heavies will always have trouble with faster characters and projectiles because they are heavy (combo bait) and large (massive targets), for example.
I'm pretty sure you'll agree the speedsters advantage over the slow characters is greater than the slower characters advantage over the mid speed characters or the mid speed over the fast characters, (an advantage imo that doesn't really exist) then you are encouraging a meta where speedster is the dominant way to go because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
Are we supposed to take that seriously, Kien? By all means, let's play a few rounds. You can show me "devastating combos" and how to stack fSmashes with Yoshi (LOL). Just take it easy on me with that vBrawl secondary jump armor that you only while you're a sitting duck.
I guess it's just a coincidence that nobody dares to even try Yoshi for a single competitive match. Could it have something to do with the abundance of projectiles in the metagame, and that Yoshi gets slammed Link, ROB, TL, ZSS, Falco, Olimar, and even Mario because projectiles shut Yoshi down, and his eggs are too slow to wage a projectile war with anyone besides Zelda (who beats him with secondary hitboxes instead) and Charizard (who beats him in every other way)?
So much theorycrafting on this board. What's so hard about "nobody can make this character work, therefore let's look at some actual matches and objectively examine the character to see if something is wrong"?