The Concept
Philosopher & Assassin
It amuses me that the EX module conversation is treated like it didn't happen.
Yessir.It seems you've found a phrase that you enjoy, and have therefore decided to stick with it.
Updating the Ghirahim stuffs.
Its got some gifs in spoilers, cause thinking hurts to much. I'll update this when I think of more instead of making more replies.
Jab{ 1st hit of Peach's Jab
Grab{ Exactly like he does in SS, similar to Snake's grab.
Bthrow{ Marth's, cause FABULOUS
Fthrow{ Shoves them forward, opponent would end up facing away from him.
Stilt{ Swings his sword, like Link's 1st Stilt hit.![]()
Dtilt{ Link's Dtilt.
DownB{ Counter- Holds his hand up like when he catches Link's sword in SS. If hit while Counter is active, he takes no damage and throws his opponent behind him, like a IAE (IEA?) Counter in Sm4sh.![]()
Fair{ Swings his arm down and forward. One of his attacks from his Final Fight.
FinalSmash{ Final Forme Ghirahim- Like Warioman, he takes no damage (His FABULOUS skin), does more damage, and can use his UpB infinitly (to prevent SelfDestructs, may change)
Sheild{ Basic Pary pose, like Ike.
Spotdodge{ Leans back, like Snake.
ForwardRoll{ Uses teleport effect, like Sheik.
BackRoll{ Uses teleport effect, like Sheik.
Hitstunfall{ The spreadeagle pose he falls in the final fight when knocked off a platform.
Run{ The same as his Dash Attack when he's running.
Jump{ Same as Marth's.
DoubleJump{ Snake's.
Crouch{ Crouches on tiptoes, with his sword across his knees. No crawl.
Utaunt{ Licks his sword. Should be cancelable into Utaunt for infinte licking.
EDIT: Not sure why, but the rest of the stuff is in the Ssmash Spoiler, not sure how to fix it. :\
Going back through old messages, and I think this is a good point.. i already have advocated for movesets for ridley, bowser jr, waluigi, demise, black shadow, and dark samus.. and i would love a kool K'Rool moveset too if one of the devs got some good ideasOkay. Perhaps for Waluigi, one would need a dedicated team, especially with a member to go back through his appearances and collect some data.
One thing I have noticed about Brawl is that we're lacking some villains. We have Bowser, Gannondorf, and I guess one could count Dedede and MetaKnight as villains too. I realize some villains are just beasts without much finesse, but what are some villains out there that could use some attention? Bring a dark side to Minus.