Community Request Thread for the next version after 4.0BC

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
This is the biggest laundry list

More characters will be getting alt costumes, stay tuned later for more information.
The legal stage list has been updated, if we can take that off the list that'd be cool.
Giga Bowser/Wario Man: They sound fun and perfectly fitting for Minus. Unsure about our implementation methods but we'll figure something out.
Tone down death cries: This is actually a vBrawl function, we just supplied the removed sounds.
:ganon:Project Ganondorf: We will not be taking requests for new characters, or including Bat Ness-esque transformations.
:ganon:uTilt: Did you hit Falco right? Our testing confirmed Falco dies to Ganon uTilt from the center of FD at around 55%
:falcon:Raptor Boost: We will look into buffing its damage for sure (7% is way too low) and possibly knockback properties, but we will not be restoring its projectile immunity or buffing its armor.
:falcon:Reverse Raptor Dive Horizontal: We can make it match the normal variant.
:charizard:Blast Burn in the air: Stalling him for the first use seems fair and like it could be both strategic and save lives.
:dk:Throw Combos: DK is already a monster even without a huge throw game. It is very unlikely he will get buffed in this regard.
:jigglypuff:Buff Air Speed: We feel this would be fun
:jigglypuff:MAX dThrow: dThrow Sing called, it said oh god no please
:wario:Nerf his air powers: Most of this comes from bAir, but yes Wario will receive some attention in this regard.
:samus:Power Bomb concerns: We can for sure change the sound, maybe the GFX it's a little trickier.
:lucario:Extreme Speed canceling make him face right: Sammi: Huh? I never noticed if this was a thing. If it is, I'll look into it.

any word on my falco shorten post?
Yeah, and a lot of other changes remain un-adressed. [wolf]

I'm surprised no one noticed the Lucario thing. It also happend when bowser lands with down-special. I don't know why.


GG M8s
Minus Backroom
I'd like to see Wolf's Sweetspotted Side B change. I never really got why it was a spike/meteor. Never made much sense to me.
Also, Pit's Up B is now broken after being nerfed. after being hit out of it, he can't use it at all. This turns what should be a solid recovery into an overly exploitable one.
Peach still can't upb if hit out of the startup. It happened when I played Sammi at the tournament and it sucked.


Well-Known Member
"No move should be completely useless"

LOL devs have already confirmed one is destined to be. Talked with multiple original devs about it, they thought I was crazy and trolling them, then said something to the effect of "This is why I quit."

Crazy idea: Is it possible to alter Franklin Badges? If a Minus Franklin badge reflected projectiles while removing their hitboxes [ex: Mewtwo confusion in Melee], then you could give lots of things projectile armor by having a subaction in the move spawn a Franklin Badge [at least, I think that's how DK used to get Franklin Badges???], and automatically vanish at the end of the move.

Raptor Boost doesn't need it, but I think Royal Rampage being projectile-immune would be potentially funny [so he only takes direct damage while using it], and it could be inserted elsewhere as needed [not sure where it's needed, but what if IC side+B was immune to projectiles!?]

P.S: I expect the idea to be rejected, but I think it'd be super hilarious/Minusy if implemented, and could help out the otherwise lackluster [by Minus standards] characters.

They could even add Peach pulling modified Franklin Badges to help her out in some of the harder MUs she has where she loses or struggles a lot due to projectiles [ex: Link, Falco], and it'd be much less broken than actual Franklin Badges.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker



At the moment, there are too many small stages in the legal stage list. While the blast zones were fixed, that does not change the fact that many of the stages have little room to move around. [Malkasaur]
Pin Clock: "The legal stage list has been updated."
I really hope more characters get new costumes, not just recolors. [Malkasaur]
Pin Clock: "More characters will be getting alternate costumes. Stay tuned for more information."
Please use the "Taunts = Footstool" codes by Magus and ds22 to bind Taunts to Footstools. [Bent 00, freezus]
Pin Clock: "So long as they doesn't break anything, we can include the 'Taunts=Footstool' codes by Magus and ds22."


:falcon:Captain Falcon:

Please make reverse Falcon Dive grant the same amount of horizontal momentum as the non-reversed version does. Falcon's recovery is awful. [ALLCAPS]
Pin Clock: "We can make it match the normal variant."


The graphics of Samus' Power Bomb are really bright, and the explosion sound is too loud. Please tone them down if possible. [AGentleStar]
Pin Clock: "We can for sure change the sound, maybe the GFX -- it's a little trickier."



Please make permanent Giga Bowser and permanent Wario Man selectable fighters via the Character Select Screen. [someone from the Special Fall tournament chat]
Pin Clock: "They sound fun and perfectly fitting for Minus. Unsure about our implementation methods, but we'll figure something out."


:falcon:Captain Falcon:

Raptor Boost should K.O. at 90-100%. As-is, it only deals 7% damage, and doesn't K.O. until high percents. Falcon BUFF, please! [SunderStorm]
Pin Clock: "We will look into Buffing its damage for sure (7% is way too low) and possibly Knockback properties."


Let Charizard remain stationary in the air while using Neutral Special, or at the very least Cancel it. There's nothing worse than accidentally inputting Neutral Special offstage and watching Charizard plummet to its death, even though it hovers off the stage when using the grounded version of the move. [baltarc]
Thor: "I propose one stall per air time, if a stall in the air is allowed."
Pin Clock: "Stalling him for the first use seems fair. It could be both strategic and save lives."


Wario is a better air character than 'Puff. No one should be better than 'Puff in the air. Buff Puff's aerial mobility if Wario's is not Nerfed. [Longbottom]
Pin Clock: "We feel this would be fun."


Canceled ExtremeSpeed will always leave Lucario facing right, regardless of the direction it was facing previously. Please make Lucario keep the direction it was facing previously. [Kymaera K1ng]
Sammi Husky: "Huh? I never noticed if this was a thing. If it is, I'll look into it."


Wario is a better air character than 'Puff. No one should be better than 'Puff in the air. Nerf Wario's aerial mobility if 'Puff's is not Buffed. [Longbottom]
Pin Clock: "Wario will receive some attention in this regard, mostly involving Back-Air."




After being hit out of his Up-Special, Pit can't use it at all. This turns what should be a solid recovery into an overly-exploitable one. [Malkasaur]


I'd like to see Wolf's Sweetspotted Side-Special change. I never really got why it was a spike/meteor. Doesn't make much sense to me. [Malkasaur]




Improve the knockback on the main hitbox of Ganondorf's Up-Tilt. I couldn't even kill Falco with it at 60% on Final Destination. [Xaxidoro]
Pin Clock: "Did you hit Falco right? Our testing confirmed Falco is K.O.ed by Ganondorf's Up-Tilt from the center of Final Destination at around 55%."



Characters yell out their death cries too early and too often. This is especially annoying for characters like Fox and Kirby. Here's a video example. Please use death cries more sparingly. [AGentleStar]
Bent 00: "If possible, I suggest that we make death cries only sound on K.O., or Smash 4 style: When a lethal hit is received, not accounting for Directional Influence."
Pin Clock: "This is actually a vBrawl function, we just supplied the removed sounds."


:falcon:Captain Falcon:

Return intangibility frames to Raptor Boost, since it is so punishable and useless for combos. Falcon is too weak against projectiles! [Mimsy]
Pin Clock: "We will not be restoring its Intantibility frames or giving it any Armor."

:dk:Donkey Kong:

Donkey Kong should be able to get more off of his Throws. Specifically, Cargo Up Throw. In Melee and Smash 4, he is able to start a lot off of it. In Minus, you can get Cargo Up Throw to Up-Air only at low percents. [Malkasaur]
Pin Clock: "DK is already a monster, even without a huge Throw game. It is very unlikely he will get Buffed in this regard."


Remember that you have permission to use BronzeGreekGod's Project Ganondorf in Minus. Please make use of that opportunity. Minus-style Project Ganondorf would be amazing. [Bent 00]
Pin Clock: "We will not be taking Requests for new characters, or including Bat Ness-esque transformations."


Jigglypuff's Down-Throw was ruined. Can we revert that move back to the way it was in MAX, please? [Longbottom]
Pin Clock: "Down-Throw into Sing called, and said "Oh God no, please!"

I'm surprised no one noticed the Lucario thing. It also happend when bowser lands with down-special. I don't know why.
Want me to add this as a Request?
Canceled Bowser Bomb will always leave Bowser facing right, regardless of the direction he was facing previously. Please make Bowser keep the direction he was facing previously. [Kymaera K1ng]

Peach still can't upb if hit out of the startup. It happened when I played Sammi at the tournament and it sucked.
Are you Requesting that to be fixed?

Thor: IIRC, one of the main problems with D.K. spawning Franklin Badges was that they could only spawn as held items, not immediately-equipped ones; D.K. had to spawn the Badge, drop it, then pick it back up to actually use it. I'm not sure why Mario's Metal Box doesn't have this problem...

As for your idea about modifying Franking Badges to allow for projectile-only immunity, that doesn't sound possible AFAIK... and sending reflected projectiles back stripped of their hitboxes just sounds weird.

Hmm... I wonder if a Super Raptor Boost that uses up an Instant Falcon Punch Charge would be a good idea. You would have to hold Special to use it, so you don't waste an IFPC accidentally, and so you always have access to regular Raptor Boost. It would have the old Intangibility frames, plus increased Damage (maybe increased Knockback too). The IFP would be Falcon's quick Super Move, and the, uh... "Super Raptor Boost" / "Raptor PAWNCH" / "Raptor Finish" could be his slower Super move, which requires some prediction of your target to connect with. Maybe it could even play the echo-y "COME ON" SFX from Falcon's Final Smash? We could refer to the IFPC as "BOOST POWER". This idea is growing on me...
Naming my custom Falcon "BOOST POWER FALCON", look for it in my signature sometime soon.

Also, Pin Clock: Two things...

You could just use some parts from Project Ganondorf, you know. You don't have to use the whole thing, or give 'Dorf a "Bat Ness-esque" mode that changes many of his moves. You could have Down-Taunt only change a few moves to include the sword, or even just one move. Falco's Blaster has a Taunt Switch, after all.

At the very least, Minus should have 'Dorf do something with his sword other than just take it out and... simply look at it briefly, like a Goomba. Can't we top (or match) Project M's "Gooberdoober Clooberdoober"? You're passing up a great opportunity if you don't use anything at all from that awesome mod.


How come Charizard can get an offstage air stall for its Neutral Special, but Ganondorf can't get one for Warlock Punch, or a real one for Gandouken? You can take this as a joke, since I don't expect you to Buff Warlock Punch even a little... Just wanted to poke some fun at this bit of (what is, IMO) hypocrisy.
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Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
I'd like to see Wolf's Sweetspotted Side B change. I never really got why it was a spike/meteor. Never made much sense to me.
Also, Pit's Up B is now broken after being nerfed. after being hit out of it, he can't use it at all. This turns what should be a solid recovery into an overly exploitable one.
That's supposed to be the case. Maybe it could be changed to twice per air time, regardless of being hit? It led to infinite recovery and stalling.
Peach still can't upb if hit out of the startup. It happened when I played Sammi at the tournament and it sucked.
That's really dumb. I think they might just have wanted to nerf your character tho :p


GG M8s
Minus Backroom
Yeah Bent 00 I'm requesting that Peach's upb becoming useless when hit out of the startup be fixed. It's kind of like how getting hit out of Pit's upb leaves him screwed except on a character with less vertical recovery. Maw assured me it had been fixed and to his credit, the window to get hit out of Parasol and not being able to use it again is tighter than it was before. I just want it removed from the game completely.

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
Yeah Bent 00 I'm requesting that Peach's up b becoming useless when hit out of the startup be fixed. It's kind of like how getting hit out of Pit's up b leaves him screwed except on a character with less vertical recovery. Maw assured me it had been fixed and to his credit, the window to get hit out of Parasol and not being able to use it again is tighter than it was before. I just want it removed from the game completely.
Pit also has side b, jumps, and glide.

Also, bent, can you add a poll on Wolf's air dodge? I'd like him to have melee air dodge (like fox), but I'm not sure if others want that. It would make air dodging much more intuitive.
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BAir Master
The problem with Pit's recovery before is that the startup animation for Up B always gave him height, which led to stalling. What I'm asking is that Pit be able to use his Up B after getting hit, like any other character.
Also, if you're going to add the Taunt > Footstool code, please try not to remove footstooling with jumps.


:ganon:uTilt: Did you hit Falco right? Our testing confirmed Falco dies to Ganon uTilt from the center of FD at around 55%

It wasn't so much about the horizontal distance; I failed to remark that Falco DI'd upwards when he was hit (I think).

Even if I'm hallucinating, I'd still like to request to get it buffed. Not 1.5B buffed, but just buffed a bit more.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Ganondorf flies canonically
'Dorf throws flying punches canonically as well, but official Minus is sadly a no-fly zone for evil warlocks.
Just wait until I'm done with him...

The problem with Pit's recovery before is that the startup animation for Up B always gave him height, which led to stalling. What I'm asking is that Pit be able to use his Up B after getting hit, like any other character.
Also, if you're going to add the Taunt > Footstool code, please try not to remove footstooling with jumps.
If we end up using TYPE 3 -- the version Magus created especially for Minus, and the TYPE I personally recommend -- then you will still be able to Footstool with Tap Jump and Button Jump, as well as Taunt. If you need a refresher on the differences between TYPEs, check here.

Mini Changelog:
Added Thor's Peach Up-Special Request
Added Kymaera K1ng's Wolf Request POLL (let me know if I worded it wrong)
Re-worded Malkasaur's Pit Up-Special Request
Updated Xaxidoro's Ganondorf Up-Tilt Request
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Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
It wasn't so much about the horizontal distance; I failed to remark that Falco DI'd upwards when he was hit (I think).

Even if I'm hallucinating, I'd still like to request to get it buffed. Not 1.5B buffed, but just buffed a bit more.
no it jab lockes on like frame 6 or something

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Ganondorf is clearly descending and not flying in that picture, and nothing suggests he's making himself fall any slower.
The very first attack 'Dorf throws at you in his OoT battle (the punch that breaks the floor) is technically a "flying" punch because he's flying in the air when he throws it, and because the punch itself flies so fast that it causes a massive shockwave on impact. One definition of "fly" is "to move or be hurled quickly through the air". You might say "'Dorf is is only levitating, not flying", but there's no denying that punch deserves to be called a "flying" one (perhaps even a flying flying punch), even if it is flying straight down. The picture I linked in my previous post is meant to reference that attack. Call it "falling with style" if you like, but it's still flying.

That said, we should probably stop talking about Warlock Punch here (at least for now).
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Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
The very first attack 'Dorf throws at you in his OoT battle (the punch that breaks the floor) is technically a "flying" punch because he's flying in the air when he throws it, and because the punch itself flies so fast that it causes a massive shockwave on impact. One definition of "fly" is "to move or be hurled quickly through the air". You might say "'Dorf is is only levitating, not flying", but there's no denying that punch deserves to be called a "flying" one (perhaps even a flying flying punch), even if it is flying straight down. The picture I linked in my previous post is meant to reference that attack. Call it "falling with style" if you like, but it's still flying.

That said, we should probably stop talking about Warlock Punch here (at least for now).
Yeah Bent don't get banned again.
Also we call it the flying warlock punch... I wonder why...


New Member
yeah I gotta agree with a few other people in the thread, project ganondorf in b- would be amazing, even if you didn't use everything from the original movesets
besides, it'd really help differentiate ganon from the other mods and games
shit, you even have permission
why NOT use some of it? project ganon's moveset is a million times more interesting then any other iteration of ganon


Video Editor
I don't mind either way. I like both. I prefer Project Ganondorf of course, because there's no better way to dorf. :ganon:
But at the same time, I understand there is a lot to take into consideration with the mod. Do we take the sword Ganon or the magic Ganon? How will it transfer into Brawl Minus physics? And probably other things that I'm not aware of.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I think if there's somehow space, project Ganondorf is added with the strong recommendation that all TOs ban him because he's not balanced, unless we somehow prove he fits in the Minus environment correctly.

I would guess clone engine limitations prevent this [no space to add new characters?], but if we could add two CSPs for Ganondorf, it seems like a compromise everyone could be happy with - totally usable in friendlies [they're not tournament lol], if he's actually broken in a stupid way people will learn pretty fast but at least he's there for friendlies [ditto hype!], if he's not broken then he could eventually be shown to be so and legalized [even if he ends up being trash].

The Minus dev team wouldn't even have to balance him - just add him with the notification that he is a joke character and intended as such.

The other possibility is that I'm GROSSLY underestimating how time-consuming inserting a new character [even an entirely pre-programmed one] is, at which point I totally understand him not being added.

But given how many people seem to want some part of project Ganondorf and that the mod has no official home, simply inserting it in Minus with the disclaimer, "We made no attempt whatsoever to balance this... it was only added for the fans and to give the mod a home in a full mod" would strike me as a simple, effective solution [again, assuming it's not a space issue or a time issue with trying to add a new character].


Video Editor
I think if there's somehow space, project Ganondorf is added with the strong recommendation that all TOs ban him because he's not balanced, unless we somehow prove he fits in the Minus environment correctly.
I'm curious. Which one are we talking about here? I figured the dev team would only put in one or the other. Two Ganons would be redundant. I think it's fine when the focus of the mod is a canonically correct ganondorf + P:M, but having two Ganons in Brawl Minus would make the roster a bit asymmetrical, don't you think? I dunno. I think he functions well in P:M, but having both would be a bit much. :nesmk:


To be honest, I think if there's somehow space, project Ganondorf is added with the strong recommendation that all TOs ban him because he's not balanced, unless we somehow prove he fits in the Minus environment correctly.
Because Waluigi came out totally busted.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
I don't know which version of Brawl Waluigi was originally built for, but Project Ganondorf was built specifically for Project M. That said, I'm betting it's certainly possible to port it to Minus, but its creator (BronzeGreekGod) is too busy to help with that (without any "incentive", at least).

Personally, I'd like to see P.G. Sword Ganondorf mixed with Minus 'Dorf. Sounds like it's not gonna happen Officially, but it sure would be great to really be able to use 'Dorf's sword for once! Fist mode could stay mostly the same Minus 'Dorf we have now, with improvements.

As for P.G.'s Magic Ganondorf, that is so different from Fist/Sword 'Dorf that he pretty much has to be a separate character. Which is fine! After all, there are two Links (Toon Link), two Zeldas (Sheik), two Pikachu (Pichu), two Marths (Roy), two Nesses (Lucas)... Why not have two Ganondorfs? Evil King / Ocarina of Time / Magic 'Dorf, and Dark Lord / Twilight Princess / Fist/Sword 'Dorf.

As for having an "official home", well, I think Project Legacy (XP?) is going to be that for Project Ganondorf.

Anyhow, as much as we like the idea of having Project Ganondorf in Minus (even if only partially), the Request has already been REJECTED Officially. If anyone wants to discuss it further, perhaps this thread in the Custom Mods subforum would be a better place for that now.
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