Brawl Minus 3.3 is BACK!


Well-Known Member
Then increase hitstun so that people can't hit you out of it??? I'm not fully clear on what the issue is... are you saying you can be "shined" out of it by Ness/Lucas? If so, a hitstun change or some sort of armor when he's hitting with it would fix that, right?


Graphic/Character Designer
Then increase hitstun so that people can't hit you out of it??? I'm not fully clear on what the issue is... are you saying you can be "shined" out of it by Ness/Lucas? If so, a hitstun change or some sort of armor when he's hitting with it would fix that, right?

That would fix one issue, the others of it being more limiting, predictable, etc etc, are still there.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Any estimated release window for the next version of Minus? I'm curious to find out what is done to Ike.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else having issues with this site recently? Couldn't connect to the server at all yesterday.


Well-Known Member
What happened to our last site? Was it so hard to fix that we just jumped ship? What happened?

On a more relevant note, I'm confused with pichus static ability. I thought all physical attacks should deal damage to the attacking opponent, but it only happens when pichu is hit with an electric attack. And why does ness' f***ing fair deal 36 damage to pichu and maybe 8 to ness? Sorry for the implied language but what the hell?

Part of my frustration comes from not being able to figure out pichu. It also feels like pichu has bad recovery.


Well-Known Member
Also someone was testing and they told me Pichu's fsmash fully charged does like 22% to itself. I don't know if this is true (I haven't checked), but they knew their percent, started charging the smash the other way expecting a roll, landed the smash for a KO, and noticed before the game ended they had 22 extra %. 22%??? If that's right, cut that in half, then subtract 1, then half again... that's way too much... Also static seems to do extra damage to Pichu, not Pichu's attacker...Ness fair seems to trigger this, as do Pichu dittos.

Pichu is probably one of the worst characters in this game - gets zoned to hell and back by Lucario (I used the powerup taunt twice versus Ellipsis and 3-stocked his Pichu - it was just dumb) and probably ROB (I can't play ROB) and others, although its tjolt sets nice mines... until they disappear. I vote for a thunder-hand like mod - set a mine by holding B, put a slow-moving t-jolt (like Pika's in the air) if you don't hold B. This will also allow t-jolt mines directly on the ground too, for fast and better stage control - I suggest limiting Pichu to maybe 3 or 4 mines, but doubling (AT LEAST - I'd prefer to see them be like Stealh Rock where they don't go until Pichu does) the duration.


New Member
Greetings to the Brawl Minus universe. I have been playing brawl minus since the first max beta release and I've been following it ever since. I got Minus3.3 on release, encompassing 3 different downloads. I joined this forum today(less than ten minutes from now) because I come bearing information and hopefully a gift. Originally, I was loading Brawl mods through Riivolution, being able to switch between Minus1.01, Zeus 2.2/2.3, and Project M on my 16GB SDHC. On the first release of Minus 3.3, I was able to play using this card and Gecko AxNextFrame, however Pichu couldn't finish a match(crash) and Lavender Town was Flat Zone 2. Somewhere between the first and final(3rd) release of Minus3.3, I lost the ability to load the mod from my 16GB card and had to move to my 1GB card, which worked. The game works fine on my end, as the previous errors are no longer occurring.

Now for the possible gift:
On the first post of the Minus3.3 release thread(the post with the changelog), it stated that Minus3.3 cannot be loaded through Riivolution. Having dealt with Riivolution with other mods and previous versions of Minus, this made sense because of the BrawlEX folder. Today, I decided to try something that I knew would fail. I wrote a Riivolution patch that only referenced the Minus3.3 gct file. My reasoning for trying this was that perhaps it will just load the gct codes, including the File Patch Code within. I loaded it into the 1GB SD card, and launched Riivolution 1.06 with my USA Brawl disc (RSBE01). I then chose the name of my patch, "minus33test", with AxNextFrame as my Ocarina hook and launched. To my surprise: the modified loading screen came on. Everything seems to be working fine, even Pichu works and can even finish a match. I believe that this was something amazing, so here I am, telling the world. I have attached a zip folder containing the xml file that my Riivolution loaded to produce my results.

My Specs:
1GB SD card
USA Super Smash Bros. Brawl Disc
Riivolution 1.06 through Homebrew Channel
The Final Release of Brawl Minus 3.3 - the download file was "Brawl Minus 3.3 (Minus Art)(2).zip"

There was one error in which some of the character portraits in the Match Results screen revert back to their retail Brawl portraits. Other than that I haven't found any errors. I will continue testing this, as well as testing to see if this will work on my 16GB SDHC, which would be amazing. You will hear from me soon. Thank you for your efforts and time.
Good day.

EDIT: It did not work on the 16GB SDHC. Seems that it's limited to standard SD cards(2GB and below).

EDIT 2: Did you know that there is a code in the codes text file that is called "SDHC Expansion"? I didn't. Until now. Above method tested with my 16GB SDHC card, with this magnificent hidden gem of a code activated (I made no other changes to the homebrew gct file) with success. The same result screen errors brought up above still apply. To all users who want to use this method with their SD cards of 4GB and up, you will need to turn on this code along with the rest of the previously activated codes. Glorious day indeed as now I can have all my mods and emulators on one SD card once more.
I can't download the attachment, for some reason. I just keep getting an error. Is it broken, or am I just doing something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Use the project m launcher! We should really advertise its compatability with minus! Put the pm launcher in the app folder and put the pm launcher in the project m folder where you find the pf folder and st folder, though delete the st folder cuz it causes issues.


New Member
Use the project m launcher! We should really advertise its compatability with minus! Put the pm launcher in the app folder and put the pm launcher in the project m folder where you find the pf folder and st folder, though delete the st folder cuz it causes issues.
I already tried using it, but its setup or whatever won't allow it. Besides, I'd much rather use one of my other SD cards that has riivo for convenience and the like.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
A little bird told me that the download was messed up for the Riivolution zip file. No problem, here's another, with everything you need except for the Brawl Minus 3.3 mod itself. Even has instructions now. Here you are and let me know if you encounter errors.

Peace and happy brawling.


  • Brawl Minus 3.3
    1.9 MB · Views: 511


Well-Known Member
So I just checked the brawl minus team application thread and I easily fill all of the requirements except I don't have any means of recording or streaming other than posting replay files. Can I still apply to be a play tester?

I'm part of occ gamers guild. We started as a college club that did fighting game and other kinds of game tourneys for charity. We are growing rather rapidly. Awhile ago, we became a charter of TESPA and then partners with Microsoft shortly after. We have branched off to atleast 5 other colleges and we will be an official nonprofit organization really soon, unless the paperwork already went through! I'm just saying that I'm pretty good at getting the word out for minus just by simply bringing a setup, so I don't know if that makes up for not being able to do streaming. I just want to be a part of this somehow!

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Aw man. Well, hopefully it can get back up soon. I only have one more free SD card and it's 4gb, meaning that either I use riivo or forget about brawl minus entirely. But really now, who would want to do the latter?

I have posted it. However, if you turn on the SDHC expansion code within the Brawl Minus codeset, you can get it to work on your 4GB. I used my USB loader copy of Brawl to load Minus on my 16GB just tonight with that code turned on.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Making CSPs is harder than I expected... I used GIMP to edit a snapshot. I wanted to actually draw something at first, but I thought I'd get better results this way. Here's what I ended up with, my first CSP!



I definitely see why Pin chose to make easy-to-recolor portraits now. Cleaning up images like this, pixel by pixel, is a pain. It does look cool, though -- reminds me of the old sprite artwork mixed with in-game assets.



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New Member
A little bird told me that the download was messed up for the Riivolution zip file. No problem, here's another, with everything you need except for the Brawl Minus 3.3 mod itself. Even has instructions now. Here you are and let me know if you encounter errors.

Peace and happy brawling.
Many thanks, mate.


Just a dood with ideas
what would make these a lot easier is saving a separate "slate" version of the CSP that is basically one black and white, transparent skin for the shadows of the original drawing you want to use on one layer that is compatible with any recolors, and for the color portion, add a layer where the borders are more solid and defined to fill the colors into, and keep the two layers separate on every "slate" version, but flatten and compress when you want to send out the finished version... ...wouldn't that make you only need to draw the details once, and just have a coloring-book-like slate for every time you want to add a color?... I've always wondered why people haven't used this method...


Just a dood with ideas
like this---
instead of this---

(i only worked for two minutes on it, but i think it gets the idea across... and yeah, that one under it is yours...)

i mean you can practically trace it over another layer for the shadows and outlines and stuff, then just use the bucket tool to fill in the color layer on the bottom... if you want i can try to finish this one later, but i have classes and i get bored/distracted easily...

but if you asked me to, i could try to make any other "slate drawings" you need as well... keep in mind that if i finished that cap one, most of the "gradients" between colors would either go away, have a boundary line between them, or rely on that hatch method of shading in order to create the illusion of being a darker pink, etc... xP

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Simple lineart
+ Makes it easy to recolor lots of CSPs quickly.
+ Makes all your CSPs uniform in appearance.
- You have to draw or trace the original lineart.
- If you use skins more than a little different than the base, you have to make new lineart.
- Will probably not be as detailed as edited snapshots.
- Generally limited to one pose for all non-custom skins.

Edited Snapshots
+ You don't have to create any lineart. Just edit a snapshot, resize it, and clean it up.
+ Each costume slot will be in a different pose. Variety is nice.
+ CSPs are much more detailed, have a wider range of colors, and this style fits Minus well.
- Uniformity is an impractical goal. Might as well use different poses.
- Takes much longer to make recolors.

Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
We're still adding colors in the future, so the CSPs would have to be made by someone on the team.

That being said I can possibly redo some of them if there are ones that aren't liked as much as the rest. Just post criticisms about the CSPs and I'll give them a look, and consider finding ways to add more detail!

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Any estimated release window for the next version?

Please fix the too-sensitive camera. My group doesn't like playing on our favorite stage, Hyrule Castle, anymore just because of the camera.

Also, a little feedback on a few portraits, Pin:
- Falcon's saluting hand looks weird, and his body needs more detail.
- Pikachu only has two fingers and Pichu has crab claws. Please fix.
- Fox's mouth and Yoshi's mouth look weird. Just close them, maybe?
- Why is ZSS the only character facing away? Make her face forward.
- Make Luigi's eyes more like Mario's.
- Ness never throws the "V" for victory in-game. Use a different pose.

Just my thoughts.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Ah, didn't know that; haven't played Earthbound yet. Have played Mother 3, though.

Any comment about the camera issue? I tried replacing the current STGCUSTOM11 with a renamed Hyrule Castle from 1.01, but it just froze my game. I tried replacing only the .rel, and then both the .pac and the .rel, but both froze.

Any way to fix the camera myself?

Other Aether

Ah, didn't know that; haven't played Earthbound yet. Have played Mother 3, though.

Any comment about the camera issue? I tried replacing the current STGCUSTOM11 with a renamed Hyrule Castle from 1.01, but it just froze my game. I tried replacing only the .rel, and then both the .pac and the .rel, but both froze.

Any way to fix the camera myself?
Take the 1.01 .pac and rename it to whichever STGCUSTOM the new Hyrule Castle is. Then go to and select Bridge of Eldin on the first, STGCUSTOM on the second. Download it and rename it to the appropriate STGCUSTOM for Hyrule Castle. Then it *should* work.


Well-Known Member
Is there something wrong with weegee's eyes? I love that they reference the meme now!

Also I haven't noticed any camera issues really. Does this only happen with one v ones? Where does this happen and why is it happening?