Brawl- M3: Mirror Match Masters


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Best 2/3 or 3/5 works better IMO

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
My hiatus ended much sooner than I thought.
I reinstate my challenges.
I accept to face who I need to get a spot with these characters.


A Meaningless Circle
Minus Backroom
Looks like Bent and Thor will be my opponents to start. Ike and Link.


Well-Known Member
I rescinded all my titles earlier because I don't have access to Brawl- wifi.

Bent, when you have time you need to remove my name from all my RU and Champion spots.

EDIT: [if I ever get back] I would be okay with a best 3 of 5 format, or a 2 of 3 sets format where we play best of 3 for each set - so either we play a best of 3 three times (if one person wins the first and the other plays the second) or a best 3 of 5. I agree 2 of 3 games is kind of short.

*A game is a single match/round, from the character select screen to the results screen. A set is a combination of games to determine winner, be it best 2 of 3, best 3 of 5, etc. We currently have a 1-set, best 2 of 3 games format.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I'll be waiting for you Bent... In the shadows...

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Sometime Monday evening or night, I plan to get online to accept these challenges.

Looks like the majority wants to switch to best of 3 sets for all title matches...? That's potentially 9 games for 1 title...


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
You made the topic. You decide the rules.


Well-Known Member
I prefer best 3 of 5 single matches personally.

Do these options mess with the other rules pertaining to the you can't pick a stage that you've won on or something?


I think best of three sets is my favorite option. I do think 3/5 games is just a little too short so maybe 5/7 would be better?

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
I'm leaning towards making Title Matches Best 3 out of 5 (single matches, not sets).

As for how this change will affect stage choices... I think I'll just make the rule "you can't pick the last stage you picked or the last stage your opponent picked". Otherwise stage rules will remain the same. Any objections to that? I'm still going to add Fountain of Dreams as a Counterpick, BTW.

As a bonus option for those of you wanting longer Title matches, how about I let you increase it up to Best 4/7 or Best 5/9, as long as both of you agree before you start the first match? It either player declines, it defaults to Best 3/5.


Well-Known Member
That seems fair. I'm not in favor best 2 of 3 sets because those are just too many matches. If I recall, you are already allowed to rechallenge the champ or ru immediately if they are willing. Sometimes, people don't have as much time, and it's easier to squeeze in 5 matches max instead of most likely 7 or 8. It also gives more meaning to each match the fewer there are.

I like title matches being best 3 of 5 like in tourneys. We should also leave ur challenges as it is now so it feels like semifinals or something. RU spots should be a little easier to grab than the champ.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
OK, from now on...

- Default length of Runner-Up Title Matches remains Best of 2/3 Games.
- Default length of Champion Title Matches increases to Best of 3/5 Games.
- If both players agree before the first Match, length may be extended to Best of 3/5, 4/7, or 5/9 Games.
- You can't pick the last stage you picked or the last stage your opponent picked.
- Fountain of Dreams is now a Counterpick.

I'll update the first post and the rankings as soon as I can get to a PC that actually works...


Well-Known Member
Bent 00 said:
- You can't pick the last stage you picked or the last stage your opponent picked.

This is the only rule I disagree with. I think it should just be [I would also include the part in brackets, but I would first and foremost at least like the first half of this to be the new rule]: "You can't pick the last stage you won on. [Any stage may be played on if both players agree to it; this rule overrides all other stage-related rules]." If my opponent CPs to FD game 2 and wins because I SD once or twice, and I think I can win there, AND I haven't won there so far, I feel that I should be able to pick FD again, considering I haven't won there AND they wanted to play there in the first place, since they picked that stage.

Also, Apex, SKTAR, Evo, etc. rules for stage selection are [may not be perfectly verbatim], "You can't pick the last stage you won on. Any stage may be played on if both players agree to it; this rule overrides both the above rule and the normal stage list." (so you could play an entire set on Temple, even if I won game 1, you won game 2, and I wanted it game 3 - game 1 & 2 overrides stage list, game 3 overrides stage list and the rule about winning) I think this would be good both because it means you can go somewhere for game 3 if you feel you should've won on their CP (and since they CP'd to it, they should be comfortable fighting there anyway) and it also means if our stage list lags behind the stage expansion pack/changes (i.e., FoD not being legal, Norfair in 3.3 was awesome but not actually on the list), you can both easily agree that it's a fine stage and play it on for one of the games.

I like the rest of the rules though, as I said above.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
OK Thor, we'll use this form of that rule:

- You may not select the last stage that you won on as your counterpick.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Oh, defended my title again 3-0

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Let's see, I have the following Challenges to accept...

- Gold: Ganondorf CH
- The Concept: Sheik CH
- Kienamaru: Ike CH and Link CH

I can get online around 1:00 AM EST. Any of my Challengers want to have our games then?

If not, I'm off the next two days as well.
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