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  1. B

    Melee shielding.

    Should it be in minus? Personally, I'm not a fan of vBrawl sheilding.
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    MAJOR glitch!

    I loaded minus from within minus. Two negatives make a positive. So why am I not playing Brawl+ right now? At the very least everything in the game should be squared. This is incredibly game breaking and the developers need to get on it. Duh.
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    crew battles

    Because why not?
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    Melee physics in real life.

    Yes. Wouldn't it be awesome? WaveDashing in real life. Yes. Midair jumping. Knee of justice-ing... Yes...
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    Smash 4 hype has killed my will to play minus.

    I hope im not the only one. Im just so hype man. I can't play any games anymore. It's so bad that I sandbagged darx and a little bit against gold. Restore my will.
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    dair silliness.

    So I just got KOed by Ike's dair. Let me tell you why it doesn't make sense. >So im jigs playing darx. Last stocks. >Both over 100%. >Close game. >Im close to the magnifying glass in the upper left corner of Yoshis island. (The vbrawl one.) >Ike jumps from the stage to try and go for a spike...
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    Super wave smashing.

    Am I just late? 1.Crouch cancel a run. (Hold the control stick down) 2. ASAP Cstick fsmash in the opposite direction. 3.??? 4.Profit! Unsure what its good for but. I just know its faster than running or foxtrotting. You'll slide to the moon and back.
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    Since we're trying to make B- "srs binez." Favored matchups? Who counterpicks who? Stage counterpicks? Favored stages? I can only speak for my mains and characters I play against. Jiggs Special hard time against Squirtle and MK Falco.... ehhh? I find playing jiggs really easy on just about...
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    Marth could benefit from counter-sliding.

    Basically, I think his counter shouldn't kill any momentum he has gained. Instead he should keep some of it and slide a bit. Not off ledges (duh)
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    sonics FoxTrot is weird.

    I cant seem to make him DD in one direction. He can on DD back and forth. I think it has something to do with him always having that dash lag. Or is it just human error?
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    I didn't actually make one of these...

    Too late? Hi Im Bash. Im a highschool senior. Graduating in a few weeks I main wall of Puff and Marth (an extremley aggro marth at that.) After dropping Falco and R.O.B.
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    JigglyPuff is RUDE

    Being able to chase at distances even Falco and MK can't recover from. Half the time Puff doesn't even have to kill them. Just wall of puff them until they can't recover. (Most of the time, its as simple as a uair or fair under the stage) 10 midair jumps. TEN MOTHERFUCKER. You don't even need to...
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    L canceling anyone?

    Anyone else dying to have L-cancel in minus?
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    Game Freezes on startup

    when I try to load 3.3 hacklessly, the game freezes when the screen shows "" how do i fix eeeeetttt?