Hey guys me again, this time I'm addressing the requests in "Pending", which is leftover from the BC thread as well. I'll get to this thread's requests soon, I'm just cleaning up shop.

Universal Movement Option/Crawling for everyone - We'd love to make everyone crawl and therefore Crawldash, but that requires changing the crouch animations and giving crawling animations and functions for every character that cannot already crawl, making this very hard to do. I'll put it in Under Consideration, which is where all the "Too hard to do but would be nice" ideas go.

Change Stats Screen content - Some of these are tied to in-game achievements (off of my head, the Tails Trophy is unlocked by one of these), so I'm going to have to decline this one. In addition I don't think "number of meteor cancels" is something the game actually tracks.

Set it to half circle to glide - There's accidental inputs, and then there's this BS. Yeah we can take care of that.

Attack Stick behave like Smash 4 - Of course we can do this!

Give his Special Get up Back - This can be done. We wanted to address his weakness of getting back on stage, but also took away a useful function in the process. Our bad.

Revert WizFoot to pre-nerf Power - Even now, WizFoot is very strong and a fantastic tech chase option

Make all copy abilities slightly better than originals - Yeah, that's the idea

Disable/Penalize "Extreme Cheese" - Double Extreme Speed is a large part of what makes Lucario Lucario, and we're not taking it out.

PSI Magnet requests - The thing is, Lucas PSI Magnet has different knockback properties, working as a kill move where as Ness' is a combo starter/extender, so we're gonna have to decline these

Slow down PK Freeze Travel Speed - It currently goes too far away for Lucas to really take advantage of, so I can see this as helpful. Approved.

Restore PK Thunder when it collides with something that isn't Lucas - Lucas can use the recovery help

Double Jump Punch be wall-cancellable - Perhaps only on the second jump punch for now.

Sliding Dash Attack Cancel - For now, we'll be leaving it as it is: An Advanced Technique.

Shield Cancellable Fire! - The reasoning for this is confusing and we don't see any benefits to giving him this function, so no.

Rebalance Pikmin - This is too vague a request so I'm gonna toss it into decline. Remember, requests should be specific.

Tap/Hold for Pikacopter bAir - Sounds like mindgames and like it may have application, so yeah approved

Fix him not being able to pick up Gyro sometimes - Bugfixes shouldn't be requests, but yeah this'll be fixed

Make nAir pause on-hit - We're gonna deny this one for the same reason we removed it on Ganon: Makes nAir a glutton for punishment.

First/Second hits of nAir act like the third - Honestly I can only see this being helpful. Approved.

Jump Cancel on Dash Attack - There's no reason for this other than the sake of buffing Snake where he doesn't need it. Denied.

Make C4 Not explode until released - That makes the move too easy to use and the opponent have no cue of when the C4 would actually go off, and he now has the PM Fake-out. Declined.

Snake's CQC should be stronger than weapons - Again declining this because it's too vague.

Speed up Snake fAir and bAir - Increase start-up speed on fAir slightly and slightly decrease endlag on bAir? okay sure I guess.

Fantasy's Snake dTilt request - Approved, his dTilt can be good again

Walking Box Taunt - While what we have now is fun, this makes a lot more sense. Approved.

"GOOD!" Taunt - I'll have to see it in action but I feel it's a shoe in solely because it isn't 3 box taunts.

Make Final Frustration more chaotic - It's too calm for its own good now, needs more FLIPS AND CHAOS

Training Room Stage - It's only appropriate we get one of these things in there!
EDIT: I also updated Pending to include requests (besides those others have answered in this very thread) from every post up until this one.