that sounds like it would take a lot more time to start up each time though

especially if i wanted to have multiple codes applicable to these games... anyway, what i think would be awesome is if we could eventually implement these codes in special brawl so you can choose between say either infinite final smashes, or wrap around side blast zones, or between turbomode or reflect mode (like in pm), or putting other modes in, for instance, the aggressive pokeballs/assisttrophies modes could provide a kind of hazard to certain stages, and maybe even a boss battle mode could be awesome to see in the "special brawl" section

imagine being able to duke it out against master hand and crazy hand on final d, and treat them like palkia, dialga, crescellia on spear pillar, or maybe somehow incorporate that yellow devil thing from ssb4 they showed off where beating a boss would cause an explosion you could use to your advantage... anyways, these are all some ideas i had --- maybe some are impossible, hopefully not all --- that could change this mod to feel even more "minus-ey"