Request Thread for Brawl Minus 4.2!

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New Member
Incoming costume ideas!

Additional costume ideas:

Fox - Doge with recolors (unless Elliot takes control of project again) or Melee Fox

Falco - Bird with recolors or Melee Falco

Wolf - Literal Wolf with recolors and James Bond villain costume

Captain Falcon - GX Falcon with recolors plus n64 recolor of regular falcon without scarf

Mario - NES recolor, Mario Maker, USA (I don't know what it's actually called), and decent recolors like frog suit and hammer suit

Luigi - Pink costume has darker red overalls

Wario - (suggestion) Wario Land hats on classic Wario recolors

Pit - Better red, blue, and green

Yoshi - Brighter colors (vibrant)

Lucario - Mega Evolution (one slot)

Charizard - Mega Evolution (one slot)

Pikachu - More hats and Raichu color!

Jigglypuff - More hats!

Pichu - Recolors with melee hats, except special ones

Waluigi - Red, green, and blue colors brightened / improved

Toon Link - Young Link with recolors (?)

Peach - Rosalina with recolors OR Peach recolors

Ganondorf - 2 Pig Ganons (one with a suit), two OOT Ganon (one purple recolor)

Donkey Kong - DK64 recolors and Chunky + Funky Kong (army v. and original v.)

Diddy Kong - Dixie Kong with recolors (no eyelashes- so it's basically diddy kong dressed as Dixie)

Zero Suit Samus - Project M alts, white, and possible bikini (although that would just be fan service), brawl minus colored and Halo green

King Dedede - Samurai Dedede or Masked with recolors and literal penguin dedede or Club Penguin

Olimar - Louie with recolors

Samus - Fusion Samus, Halo, Brawl Minus
colored, White / silver suit

Anyone I missed? The following already have costumes.
Luigi (pink fix needed)
Pit (needs better rgb)
Waluigi (needs recoloring IMO)
Pichu (needs hats)
Charizard (needs Mega Evo)
Meta Knight
Lucario (needs Mega Evo)
Yoshi (needs brighter colors)

Here's a list of kirby copy changes created by TheGameBoyUltimate:
Last edited:

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
Incoming costume ideas!

Additional costume ideas:

Fox - Doge with recolors (unless Elliot takes control of project again) or Melee Fox

Falco - Bird with recolors or Melee Falco

Wolf - Literal Wolf with recolors and James Bond villain costume

Captain Falcon - GX Falcon with recolors plus n64 recolor of regular falcon without scarf

Mario - NES recolor, Mario Maker, USA (I don't know what it's actually called), and decent recolors like frog suit and hammer suit

Luigi - Pink costume has darker red overalls

Wario - (suggestion) Wario Land hats on classic Wario recolors

Pit - Better red, blue, and green

Yoshi - Brighter colors (vibrant)

Lucario - Mega Evolution (one slot)

Charizard - Mega Evolution (one slot)

Pikachu - More hats and Raichu color!

Jigglypuff - More hats!

Pichu - Recolors with melee hats, except special ones

Waluigi - Red, green, and blue colors brightened / improved

Toon Link - Young Link with recolors (?)

Peach - Rosalina with recolors OR Peach recolors

Ganondorf - 2 Pig Ganons (one with a suit), two OOT Ganon (one purple recolor)

Donkey Kong - DK64 recolors and Chunky + Funky Kong (army v. and original v.)

Diddy Kong - Dixie Kong with recolors (no eyelashes- so it's basically diddy kong dressed as Dixie)

Zero Suit Samus - Project M alts, white, and possible bikini (although that would just be fan service), brawl minus colored and Halo green

King Dedede - Samurai Dedede or Masked with recolors and literal penguin dedede or Club Penguin

Olimar - Louie with recolors

Samus - Fusion Samus, Halo, Brawl Minus
colored, White / silver suit

Anyone I missed? The following already have costumes.
Luigi (pink fix needed)
Pit (needs better rgb)
Waluigi (needs recoloring IMO)
Pichu (needs hats)
Charizard (needs Mega Evo)
Meta Knight
Lucario (needs Mega Evo)
Yoshi (needs brighter colors)

Here's a list of kirby copy changes created by TheGameBoyUltimate:
yo dev team how about you dont do any of this thanks


Well-Known Member
in the OP we stated we aren't taking character or costume requests.

How frequently is the OP updated? Curious about my Snake suggestion, and also offering another one [that will almost certainly get shot down]:

Have you considering experimenting with making Falco lasers do no damage [but still induce hitstun]? They already set up for things wonderfully, and I know some people were seeking Falco nerfs... this would not reduce the gimping or set up potential of lasers if it works as I'd hope, and it also could still "destale"moves [get you to new freshness bonuses faster], but would prevent Falcos from chipping people out super hard and then getting KOs, making his combo game more important to the character.

[Throw damage might need to be adjusted as well but that's a small thing compared to the main change itself...]


Well-Known Member
IIRC, moves do not get stale in Minus.

Moves do not get stale. but the freshness bonus was never removed.

So, let's say Fox's strong-hit nair does 12% and his late hit nair does 9%. [I have no idea what the actual number is, but this is the move's damage in Melee.]The first time you land a strong-hit nair each stock, it gets a 1.05x freshness bonus, and does 12.6%. If it was a weak nair, you instead do 9.45%.

Then, every subsequent nair, as long as nair is in the stale moves queue, does 12% if strong, and 9% if weak.

BUT, if you use 9 other moves without using nair, nair will no longer be in the move queue, so the next nair will do 12.6% or 9.45%.

This is what I meant when I said Falco could de-stale moves with lasers - if he lands 3 lasers, he pushes three moves out of the queue, and if that leaves no instances of dair in the queue when one or two or three instances of dair were in the queue [at the end of it of course], then his next dair would do bonus damage/knockback.


New Member
Giga Bowser. The biggest body of them all, and if this isn't accounted for in his playable form, he'll be comboed to hell and back, negating his power.
  • Persistent light armor. Attacks that deal light knockback, such as first jabs, cannot cause flinching. Think Smash 4's tough guy armor, but somewhat stronger. This helps Giga Bowser simply walk through projectile walls.
  • Very strong crouch cancelling, negating 40% of knockback and hitlag on top of cast-wide crouch cancelling effects. This allows Giga Bowser to armor through and punish weak combo starters, forcing opponents to commit to stronger-knockback options such as smash attacks.
  • Giga Bowser cannot be regrabbed while in hitstun. This nips chaingrabs in the bud.
  • Tech options, rolls, spotdodges, and airdodges start invulnerability immediately, with no startup, and can be extended (up to a second) by holding the shield button. This helps relieves the ridiculous pressure that Giga Bowser would otherwise suffer after taking a hit and suffering through a combo.
  • Giga Bowser can drift around during hitstun, increasing his ability to escape combos.


Well-Known Member
Giga Bowser. The biggest body of them all, and if this isn't accounted for in his playable form, he'll be comboed to hell and back, negating his power.
  • Persistent light armor. Attacks that deal light knockback, such as first jabs, cannot cause flinching. Think Smash 4's tough guy armor, but somewhat stronger. This helps Giga Bowser simply walk through projectile walls.
  • Very strong crouch cancelling, negating 40% of knockback and hitlag on top of cast-wide crouch cancelling effects. This allows Giga Bowser to armor through and punish weak combo starters, forcing opponents to commit to stronger-knockback options such as smash attacks.
  • Giga Bowser cannot be regrabbed while in hitstun. This nips chaingrabs in the bud.
  • Tech options, rolls, spotdodges, and airdodges start invulnerability immediately, with no startup, and can be extended (up to a second) by holding the shield button. This helps relieves the ridiculous pressure that Giga Bowser would otherwise suffer after taking a hit and suffering through a combo.
  • Giga Bowser can drift around during hitstun, increasing his ability to escape combos.

Persistent armor seems, fine, there isn't CCing AFAIK, the no CGs seems good, but variable dodges in conjunction with his up+b sounds stupid and gross tbh, as does drifting during combos.


New Member
Update Shadow Moses Island.

Simple fix:
  • Remove walls on both sides of the stage
  • Two platforms on each side of the map
Bent 00 fix:
  • Walls could be passed through like pillars in Luigi's Mansion
  • Floors beyond the walls removed

  • Remove walls on both sides of the stage
  • Two platforms on each side of the map (similar to Wario Ware)
  • Furthermore the stage could be changed into an actual island
Changes to Shadow Moses has been discussed for two years on the discord. Bent 00 suggested using the map below or a balanced verison of the map.

Here's what's Bent suggested a year ago:



New Member
I Personally think that Samus needs a buff I my self would suggest something like a faster grab witch would make it a more useful approach option Ive noticed that they usually use a non charged projectile to get the grab but with the change of power shielding being much easier than any of the smash games. so if you made the grab come out faster and pull in faster by about 2-6 frames would make it more useful. It would be a good change so they may not get punished as hard from it and may land it more often. and if they spaced it just right they may be able to shield a attack coming after there grab so if this gets accepted i would probably secondary her. thanks for looking at it this
Ive noticed that they usually use a non charged projectile to get the grab but with the change of power shielding being much easier than any of the smash games.

Personally, I'd say power shielding shouldn't reflect projectiles. Yes, power shielding needed a buff, but removing the lag was enough. You don't need to nerf all projectile users while you're at it.

With the reflection effect, Jigglypuff can reflect projectiles about as easily as any space animal, and that just doesn't make sense.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Can't you just reflect a reflected projectile right back?

I like reflecting projectiles with perfect shields...
Can't you just reflect a reflected projectile right back?

Only if you didn't do anything else in the meantime. Used to be Samus could safely throw out a few projectiles at once, or use a projectile and approach with a grab to punish the shield. Not anymore.

Also, good luck reflecting Super Missile a second time. Those accelerate the longer they're out, which means it'll be moving at a reasonable speed when it reaches Samus's opponent, but Samus will need to get it almost frame-perfect.

I like reflecting projectiles with perfect shields...

So did I at first, mainly because my current mains/secondaries don't use many projectiles (and those projectiles fly at odd angles, so they usually won't hit me even if they're reflected). Basically, I got all the benefits and none of the drawbacks.

But then I realized how much Link, Toon Link, and Samus suffer now that literally everyone has a reflector.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
So did I at first [...] but then I realized how much Link, Toon Link, and Samus suffer now that literally everyone has a reflector.

I'm thinking that the benefits for everyone else probably outweigh the negatives for those three.

To help them out, we could Buff their close-ranged moves.

Link and Toon Link are known to reflect energy projectiles in the Zelda games... perhaps, to make up for their projectiles being more likely to be sent back at them, we could make their sword moves reflect projectiles? Or give them Mirror Shields?

As for Samus... Maybe make her Dash Attack reflect projectiles too? That, in addition to Buffs on her close-ranged moves, would help her close the distance and launch foes into the air, where they can't reflect her projectiles via Power Shielding.

Or perhaps we could simply make the Power Shield / Reflect window more narrow.

Just throwing out ideas here, not necessarily well-thought-through ones.
Make Ike's Eruption (Neutral-B) take slightly less time to charge. Currently it takes forEVER.

In compensation, have it do slightly less knockback as it can finish combos for early kills. Make it more of a flashy mid-percent finisher.
I like Eruption where it is. It really doesn't take that long to charge; I can usually charge it whenever I get a kill, and sometimes when I just send an opponent flying.

You know that you have to charge it all at once, right? If you cancel it, you don't keep any of the charge.
This is not true. You can roll and cancel it and resume charging later.

We're talking about Ike, not DK. You certainly can cancel the charging process by shielding (and then optionally rolling), but if you do, you don't keep any of the charge. The next time you charge Eruption, you start over.
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