Kien's Custom Minus Build


A Meaningless Circle
Minus Backroom
I haven't played 4.0b. I stopped working on this quite some time ago but it wasn't because I dropped it as a whole. I wanted to include stage changes as well. If you'd be fine with just character changes, I do have a few of those ready though. There's Bowser, Luigi, and a full rebuild of Lucario.

I wasn't aware anyone was still interested in my custom build, though to be fair a few of my ideas were thrown into 4.0b such as .5 hitstun, modifications of my Link, Samus, Lucas, and Peach builds, and a bit more. So I can't really complain too much.


A Meaningless Circle
Minus Backroom
Up to date? I haven't changed anything, but sure. Give me a bit and I'll release the smallest patch known to man.


A Meaningless Circle
Minus Backroom
It's the best way to keep in touch with me. I don't check these forums often since I'm rarely active anymore. You should consider skyping here and there.