I will reiterate, your version of the crawldash is NOT the version that i nor anyone else have been arguing. Whether or not your version works correctly is not my concern. However i can tell you that doing it the other way is fine.
And just for some info, there literally is no way to stop the way the physics from behaving this way without removing DCBC completely.
Im trying to tell you bent, this is the last time i am going to say it. I'VE WORKED WITH THE PERSON THAT MADE THE MOMENTUM CAPTURE CODE, AND FIXING IT IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT REMOVING DBCB. Thank you and have a good day~
EDIT: to be perfectly clear, im not trying to single you out or anything of the like. im just trying to relay the information
Also how do you know it's impossible bent? you don't know that it is until you look into the game code. Thats like saying that it's impossible for a golf ball to pass through my hand and land on the floor, however in regards to the laws of physics there is nothing making it impossible just highly (highly) unlikely