Mech here.
I've got a bone to pick with the Lord of Evil. Several, actually. It's pretty much an entire skeleton sitting in the closet at this point. Now I know what you're thinking, 'oh noes, nerfz!', but hear me out; it's not nearly that simple. As of right now, this isn't official, it's just something Kien and I have been working on for the past week or so.
I don't like Ganon. There, I said it. What does this mean? It doesn't mean I think he's OP, or Sucky. This means that I think he... hasn't been fully minused yet. And I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it.
There are... several major changes we have in the works, right now. What I am asking from you guys is your opinion on one of them. I will discuss the others another day, if you so desire, but for now, it's all about...
I don't like the 666%. Is it because it's not Fun? Not by any means. It's a minus staple. It's been around for so long. But... I sat down, and I thought about the fundamentals of the move. Here's what it is:
It's a vanilla move, untouched save for damage output and the Gandouken (which I will get to in a minute). I'm sorry, but aren't we supposed to be better than that? Aren't we supposed to dig in deep, carve out our own interpretation of a move in a thorough manner, and make it the best it can be? This is a move that will never ever hit, except when it does, it will ruin the life of whoever the poor sap was that got hit by it
If you're wondering if I'm talking about re-instating the cancel, no, I'm thinking more radically than that.
I'm talking about COMPLETELY changing the move. I'm talking about moving the 'hits everything' effect from U-tilt to this move, and tweaking it further
Picture this: There are three rings now.
Ring 1 spans 1/2 of final destination. This ring only hits grounded opponents, deals 10%, and kills at 180%.
Ring2 spans 1/4 of final destination. This ring hits grounded and airborne opponents, deals 15%, and kills at 160%.
Ring 3 is the old hitboxes, just on his fist, like they've always been. The difference? The move deals 60%, and kills in two hits (or from 30%), not one.
But Why? Why Why Why Why Why
? Why remove the 666%? Because I believe it is fundamentally flawed. Let me level with you: Ganon Punch was a shitty move in vanilla. Technically, it still is in minus. Except someone went in there (I honestly don't know who), and said "This is such a shitty move, it's justified to OHKO." This move is never going to hit, but when it does, oh-ho, you'll be sorry.
Is this entertaining? Absolutely. But is it lazy? Sadly, yes. It's lazy on the part of the developers because it's a simple damage change and nothing more, and it's lazy on the part of the player, because it removes the idea of working for a KO, which is... kind of what fighters is all about. I understand that you timed that punch, you did that, you fought for that, but my tough question to you is, what else can you do with Ganon? Can you win a match without this move? Or do you let this move tip the scales of a match?
I'm not asking for much.. just 30% of your time. Just to prove that you can land some aerials, a smash, whatever. With Ganon, especially, it's hard to get in on your opponent, it really is, but once you do, it feels so good
. I want a neutral B that is.. devastating, but becomes MORE devastating when YOU, the player, work for that kill.
Adding on to that, Gandouken is in a similar boat. It's got the same timing as Warlock Punch, and while it doesn't kill in one hit, it sure as hell sets up for Ganon to get a free hit. You can tap-DI out of this move, but you can't do it in time before Ganon thwomps you. So I say, let's change that. Ganon, in my opinion, is not about combos nor multi-hitting.
So I've adjusted Gandouken to deal a flat 16%, move faster, and kill you at 150%. I've also made it so that holding B makes the warlock punch animation speed up into the Gandouken release. This will FINALLY allow you to get some mix up with the timing of the move, and, factoring it in with the giant 'nuke', it will truly make neutral-b something to be reckoned with, while at the same time feeling more fair when you actually get hit by it.
With that, I close, and now it's time for you, you ganon players you, to tell me if I'm crazy or not. Do you want these changes, do you want nothing to do with them, or do you want some sort of frankensteined hybrid? Please, let me know.
(Yes, I play Ganon too.
I've got a bone to pick with the Lord of Evil. Several, actually. It's pretty much an entire skeleton sitting in the closet at this point. Now I know what you're thinking, 'oh noes, nerfz!', but hear me out; it's not nearly that simple. As of right now, this isn't official, it's just something Kien and I have been working on for the past week or so.
I don't like Ganon. There, I said it. What does this mean? It doesn't mean I think he's OP, or Sucky. This means that I think he... hasn't been fully minused yet. And I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it.
There are... several major changes we have in the works, right now. What I am asking from you guys is your opinion on one of them. I will discuss the others another day, if you so desire, but for now, it's all about...
I don't like the 666%. Is it because it's not Fun? Not by any means. It's a minus staple. It's been around for so long. But... I sat down, and I thought about the fundamentals of the move. Here's what it is:
It's a vanilla move, untouched save for damage output and the Gandouken (which I will get to in a minute). I'm sorry, but aren't we supposed to be better than that? Aren't we supposed to dig in deep, carve out our own interpretation of a move in a thorough manner, and make it the best it can be? This is a move that will never ever hit, except when it does, it will ruin the life of whoever the poor sap was that got hit by it
If you're wondering if I'm talking about re-instating the cancel, no, I'm thinking more radically than that.
I'm talking about COMPLETELY changing the move. I'm talking about moving the 'hits everything' effect from U-tilt to this move, and tweaking it further
Picture this: There are three rings now.
Ring 1 spans 1/2 of final destination. This ring only hits grounded opponents, deals 10%, and kills at 180%.
Ring2 spans 1/4 of final destination. This ring hits grounded and airborne opponents, deals 15%, and kills at 160%.
Ring 3 is the old hitboxes, just on his fist, like they've always been. The difference? The move deals 60%, and kills in two hits (or from 30%), not one.
But Why? Why Why Why Why Why
Is this entertaining? Absolutely. But is it lazy? Sadly, yes. It's lazy on the part of the developers because it's a simple damage change and nothing more, and it's lazy on the part of the player, because it removes the idea of working for a KO, which is... kind of what fighters is all about. I understand that you timed that punch, you did that, you fought for that, but my tough question to you is, what else can you do with Ganon? Can you win a match without this move? Or do you let this move tip the scales of a match?
I'm not asking for much.. just 30% of your time. Just to prove that you can land some aerials, a smash, whatever. With Ganon, especially, it's hard to get in on your opponent, it really is, but once you do, it feels so good
Adding on to that, Gandouken is in a similar boat. It's got the same timing as Warlock Punch, and while it doesn't kill in one hit, it sure as hell sets up for Ganon to get a free hit. You can tap-DI out of this move, but you can't do it in time before Ganon thwomps you. So I say, let's change that. Ganon, in my opinion, is not about combos nor multi-hitting.
So I've adjusted Gandouken to deal a flat 16%, move faster, and kill you at 150%. I've also made it so that holding B makes the warlock punch animation speed up into the Gandouken release. This will FINALLY allow you to get some mix up with the timing of the move, and, factoring it in with the giant 'nuke', it will truly make neutral-b something to be reckoned with, while at the same time feeling more fair when you actually get hit by it.
With that, I close, and now it's time for you, you ganon players you, to tell me if I'm crazy or not. Do you want these changes, do you want nothing to do with them, or do you want some sort of frankensteined hybrid? Please, let me know.
(Yes, I play Ganon too.