Community cBliss Competition!

Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
Here's an idea: Instead of waiting for costume creators to come to us and submit on their own, why not take the initiative and ask the artists behind your favorite retextured costumes for their permission to use their work in Minus? I bet there are plenty of awesome costumes (and stages, even music...) out there already, which the owners of would gladly allow us to use officially, if we would just ask -- but they might not even know that Minus exists!

You can't expect all of the new content to just come to us without us doing anything to seek it out. Case in point, we would have lost the taunt = footstool feature (because our version desynced online) if I had not went to Magus and ds22 and asked for their help.

This is also mentioned in the OP and allowed. If there is permission for an existing costume, with proof from the creator, then we will let it enter the same way any other costume has. I've done this for a few of the current entrants, but feel it would be more significant if they were costumes created or requested by members of the community and the BR just decided among those.


Well-Known Member
Running into an issue with the Fox folder that I didn't run into while making textures for PM. Namely, the FitFox.pac file only seems to include models and textures for Fox's effects. I'll dig around and see if the main textures are elsewhere.


Minus Backroom
You're looking in the wrong place, check FitFox00.pac and FitFox00.pcs. The normal FitFighter.pac is the moveset and shared data file.


Well-Known Member
Neither of those files exist in my Brawl Minus 3.Q folder. I'm using the homebrew version. I ended up finding the texture files through an external resource, but without fitfox00.pcs it'll be difficult to preview them. Maybe I'll try re-downloading Minus.

EDIT: Interestingly, my only .pcs files are those for Sonic, Roy, the three Pokemon Trainer pokemon, Pichu, two for Lucario, and one each of Game and Watch and Yoshi.


Minus Backroom
Minus does not contain all of the files present in Brawl, it only contains files modified from Brawl. So while every fighter in Brawl has at least four costumes, Minus only contains the costume files (the fitFighter0X.pac and .pcs files) when those files were modified for Minus. You'll need to download the files from a vBrawl rip. KC-MM has one in its tools section, although as of late the website has become almost inaccessible due to server problems.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here we go.

Here's a Minus themed Fox! I think Torkoal Squirtle is next.


    1.2 MB · Views: 379


Well-Known Member
There is one, but I think it could be improved on. I can move on to something else to save the effort, anyhow. I have some ideas for Samus.


Well-Known Member
Got frustrated attempting to make a proper Hoth snow trooper texture, so here's a lazy Minus themed Samus palette swap!



    781.1 KB · Views: 362


I can't believe no one has made a Fierce Deity Link yet.
This is a pretty amateur Fierce Deity Link imo. If anyone wants to improve upon it I'm fine with that. I based it mostly off of the Smash 4 costume.


Considering Bowser has one of Zangeif's moves I thought to make a color swap with him.
This is a color swap for Peach with Parasoul from Skullgirls.
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I had an urge so I made a bunch of textures.
Falco from Adventures

Falco from Assault

Fox's son Markus in one of the endings of Star Fox Command.

Peppy's granddaughter in one of the endings of Star Fox Command.

Here is an image of what I'm referencing with the two above.

After doing Peppy's granddaughter I noticed that there is a strong lack of pink colors in Brawl-, so I thought to make some.

Pink Bowser

Flamingo Falco

Pink Ike

Pink Wolf
Hey, those look nice. A little weird to see Bowser sporting human skin, but that's kinda metal in its own right.
Thank you.

Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
OP Updated with all the download links!

Characters that currently do not have textures are: Yoshi, Pit, Olimar, Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard, and Snake!

I am also adding a section for characters below the minimum amount of textures required for cBliss. Asides the above listed, these characters are: Diddy Kong, Zelda, Shiek, Samus, Zero Suit Samus, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Ike, Roy, Ice Climbers, Meta Knight, King Dedede, Pikachu, Pichu, Ness, and Sonic!


GG M8s
Minus Backroom
Here's my submission: Roy, but also he's Marth! Or is it Marth, but Roy? Not sure...View attachment 173
I also whipped up a costume resembling Isaac from Golden Sun. It looks a little meh to me, though.View attachment 178 Also, I edited his CSSSlotConfig file in HxD to give him 2 more slots. However, the line that said 0C00 disappeared, and there doesn't seem to be another line where I can write it. HOW CAN FIX??????
Idk if BrawlEX characters are compatible with cBliss.