Greetings to the Brawl Minus universe. I have been playing brawl minus since the first max beta release and I've been following it ever since. I got Minus3.3 on release, encompassing 3 different downloads. I joined this forum today(less than ten minutes from now) because I come bearing information and hopefully a gift. Originally, I was loading Brawl mods through Riivolution, being able to switch between Minus1.01, Zeus 2.2/2.3, and Project M on my 16GB SDHC. On the first release of Minus 3.3, I was able to play using this card and Gecko AxNextFrame, however Pichu couldn't finish a match(crash) and Lavender Town was Flat Zone 2. Somewhere between the first and final(3rd) release of Minus3.3, I lost the ability to load the mod from my 16GB card and had to move to my 1GB card, which worked. The game works fine on my end, as the previous errors are no longer occurring.
Now for the possible gift:
On the first post of the Minus3.3 release thread(the post with the changelog), it stated that Minus3.3 cannot be loaded through Riivolution. Having dealt with Riivolution with other mods and previous versions of Minus, this made sense because of the BrawlEX folder. Today, I decided to try something that I knew would fail. I wrote a Riivolution patch that only referenced the Minus3.3 gct file. My reasoning for trying this was that perhaps it will just load the gct codes, including the File Patch Code within. I loaded it into the 1GB SD card, and launched Riivolution 1.06 with my USA Brawl disc (RSBE01). I then chose the name of my patch, "minus33test", with AxNextFrame as my Ocarina hook and launched. To my surprise: the modified loading screen came on. Everything seems to be working fine, even Pichu works and can even finish a match. I believe that this was something amazing, so here I am, telling the world. I have attached a zip folder containing the xml file that my Riivolution loaded to produce my results.
My Specs:
1GB SD card
USA Super Smash Bros. Brawl Disc
Riivolution 1.06 through Homebrew Channel
The Final Release of Brawl Minus 3.3 - the download file was "Brawl Minus 3.3 (Minus Art)(2).zip"
There was one error in which some of the character portraits in the Match Results screen revert back to their retail Brawl portraits. Other than that I haven't found any errors. I will continue testing this, as well as testing to see if this will work on my 16GB SDHC, which would be amazing. You will hear from me soon. Thank you for your efforts and time.
Good day.
EDIT: It did not work on the 16GB SDHC. Seems that it's limited to standard SD cards(2GB and below).
EDIT 2: Did you know that there is a code in the codes text file that is called "SDHC Expansion"? I didn't. Until now. Above method tested with my 16GB SDHC card, with this magnificent hidden gem of a code activated (I made no other changes to the homebrew gct file) with success. The same result screen errors brought up above still apply. To all users who want to use this method with their SD cards of 4GB and up, you will need to turn on this code along with the rest of the previously activated codes. Glorious day indeed as now I can have all my mods and emulators on one SD card once more.
EDIT 3: Reuploaded the file since we changed sites.