Brawl- M3: Mirror Match Masters


Stages could use tidying up, drop Distant Planet, Mario Bros, and Pictochat. Add in Wario Ware, Lavender Town, and Yoshi's Story (and Fountain of Dreams if you don't already have it)


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I should be around


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I'll be waiting on you Bent

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
I'm here. Show me ya moves.

(~30 minutes later)

Guys...? Hello?

Maybe tomorrow or Sunday will be a better time for this.
Last edited by a moderator:


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I'm here. I just needed to rest my eyes from the tv


Well-Known Member
I like the rules now very much. If only I had Wifi and my Wii to play...

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Wow. Sorry, Bent. I didn't see the reply until just now.
I'm not at my usual house, and the internet isn't as good. However I'm willing to challenge.


Well-Known Member
Glyph said:
I'll challenge either Bent or Thor for the Link runner up, who ever is more readily available

... I've said it twice, I'll say it again.

I gave up all my spots.

So I guess you're the Link RU since there's a spot open and you claimed an attempt on a spot.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Sorry it's taking so long to update this. My old PC isn't working, and it takes a long time to edit this via tablet.

Could a moderator give specialized mod status to an active poster willing to help keep this updated?

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Sacrificing sleep, I updated the Title Listings and Rules.

Everyone OK with this new rule?

- Challengers must also Private Message (PM) a Title Holder to be able to win a Title by time-out. Just posting your Challenge in this topic isn't enough; if you do not PM the Title-holder as well, he or she essentially has an unlimited amount of time to respond.