Best DK in the world is back, with new opinions on brawl minus


Well-Known Member
actually was playing more again, and realized that my thinking ness was nerfed was only because i was rusty on all his tech skill.

easily the best character, if no tech skill mistakes, it should be a 4 stock against just about everyone

he's basically melee fox but with an infinite first frame out of shield

Falco > Ness - Ness can't get in because Falco shine -> Ness shine.

People think characters on here are better than they are. The only characters people underestimate are spacies and Yoshi.

I'm confident that Table can beat anyone in the world with Ness.

Even Wario? And your DK?


The Only Hero
People think characters on here are better than they are. The only characters people underestimate are spacies and Yoshi.
Yeah yoshi is pretty dope. Akuma Yoshi dominates all. He's one of those characters that I want to pick up but never have time to.


The Only Hero
Yeah. Pichu needs nerfs. My Toon Link can't handle him at all. He just demolishes my whole team. :confused: (I'm joking Pichu is garbage.)
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Well-Known Member
Do you play a good pichu? It is the opinion of everyone else and nearly everyone else that pichu sucks balls.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Off-topic, but since we're talking about Pichu: Does anyone else think he feels a bit too heavy? He's a super-lightweight, but he falls surprisingly fast. This especially hurts his recovery.

Not a serious Pichu player, just my impression after playing as him a little.


Well-Known Member
That improves his durability off the top, technically speaking.

I don't know though.


Forum Reg of sorts
Quiet you fool! You'll blow my cover!
But seriously, no.
My phone must have glitched.
I'll erase one of them now.


Well-Known Member
Am tempted to call it a double post just to see you curse your phone more.

But no, you only said "Curse this phone!" once.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like your the only one who's figured out how to play it bash. Pichus playstyle doesn't make any sense to me. Range is pitiful and I don't even see what combos into what.

You must post vids and show us the one true path!


Something tells me Toil doesn't realize that 'the world' is bigger than his neighborhood.

Guess you missed the part where I traveled from california to SKTAR 2 in New Jersey to play Brawl Minus vs BPC + Ally + anyone else that wanted to play me from New Jersey.

I can't do wifi, but I saw some people in Fountain Valley I think? I'm down for that.


Forum Reg of sorts
Well, you should say best DK in the USA...
EDIT: I mean that you've really only played in the US, not trying to imply anything...
Just read my post and that's how it sounded. Sorry.
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