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  1. 1

    Brawl Minus 3.3 Changelog Preview

    so, when can we expect this? i've been refreshing the page all day. i haven't slept since the announcement. i quit my job and cancelled a doctor's appointment to be able to download the update immediately. please hurry.
  2. 1

    Suggestions for Brawl Minus MAX 3.3

    and falco's lasers are slow all the time, what the heck's with that? (yeah, yeah..) so it's a global issue? my limited knowledge blames the auto cancel code clashing with sped up animations..
  3. 1

    Suggestions for Brawl Minus MAX 3.3

    i prefer creative reimagining and reconfiguring of a modern game for maximum enjoyment. which the minus team does well. after all, they did make that awesome 2.x Samus. i trust they'll fix her up in a manner fit for this mod. nifty as some of project m's ideas might be, how do you simply...
  4. 1

    Brawl Minus 3.3 Changelog Preview

    wow, you really do read our suggestions! this is almost exactly as requested. kind of disappointed you won't be doubling wolf's fsmash range. and where's instant, spammable falcon punch? is marth's jab still going to change to a mini-hop Fair? will the 25 olimar-less pikmin still be able to...
  5. 1

    Suggestions for Brawl Minus MAX 3.3

    this is more of a question than a suggestion, though i do have a preference what with all my custom textures and such: is this release still planned to be full-build only, no patch? also, some sweet love for samus.
  6. 1

    Is Toon Link Okay?

    thanks for responding. that's good to know. sometimes feel toon link could use a little more "oomph" and a little less ice.
  7. 1

    Brawl- on Wii U

    i remember trying out an older demo of project m, and it would do the same thing unless i used one of the old white wiimotes (the originals without motion plus). not sure if that's the problem here... but thought i'd mention it.
  8. 1

    Is Toon Link Okay?

    will he be so different that playing/practicing the current toon link would be pointless?
  9. 1

    NEW STAGE: Lavander Town!

    looks nice. what stage will this replace?
  10. 1


    any plans for the bombs and homing missiles?
  11. 1


    olimar's playstyle can become redundant and kind of boring, but he's not bad at all. ice climbing is the one noticeably weak option on the css. that's for another thread though.
  12. 1

    Brawl Minus MAX 1.01 is HERE!

    everything, huh? well, i guess i'll just throw this one out.
  13. 1


    this game has frozen on me only several times out of many, many times being played. (the freeze with that awful buzzing noise) it doesn't happen every time DK is in the match, but every time it has happened, DK was in the match. (including yesterday, while i was trying out the updated Donkey.)...
  14. 1

    Brawl Minus MAX 1.01 is HERE!

    samus! samus. samus.. samus... oh well. next time, hopefully.. anyway, can't wait to see these changes in action.
  15. 1

    Brawl Minus MAX 1.01 is HERE!

    awesome. thank you.
  16. 1


    i'm finding some uses for the fair outside of a little recovery help. if it could be canceled earlier it could be a better combo tool. the old bombs were weaker, but actually did damage and could get things started. if there wasn't so much lag... and time..
  17. 1

    Brawl Minus MAX 1.01 coming soon!

    probably. that move is expected to be tweaked, isn't it?
  18. 1

    Brawl Minus MAX 1.01 coming soon!

    unless "prepare yourself" in the announcement above is literally a hint...
  19. 1


    samus herself is unmaxed, perhaps power suit samus should be reverted.. just saying.
  20. 1


    so uh what is samus up to these days?