I cant seem to make him DD in one direction. He can on DD back and forth. I think it has something to do with him always having that dash lag.
Or is it just human error?
Or is it just human error?
He is talking about Foxtrotting, yes. You can dash-dance with side-b but it's extremely difficult. Unless you mean you want the start-up of side-b to have a period where you can reverse the direction.Are you trying to Foxtrot? Or are you trying to long dash animation one way -> short dash -> long dash so that you move while dash-dancing in a direction over time (sort of like how Marth can DD across FD in Melee because he has an awesome dash animation - turn super fast when going backwards and turn at the end of dash when going forwards)? If the former or the latter, practice.
I'm still waiting for them to make dash-dancing with side+B a thing, unless it is and I'm bad at it.
Theoretically it's possible, since there are 0 frames of ending lag on side-b, you can start a new one. It is literally impossible to move the control stick from side to side in one frame, though.^^^
Yeah that so you can like side+B back and forth really rapidly. Or else dash-dance with the side+b speed and not slow down.
Then how can he dash-dance?I never looked into the frame data but it seems he doesnt have a dash startup.
Nah. First few frames meaning first ~15.Which would make it impossible to foxtrot as nobody can move a control stick that fast without it combusting from air friction