Smash 4 hype has killed my will to play minus.


I hope im not the only one.

Im just so hype man. I can't play any games anymore. It's so bad that I sandbagged darx and a little bit against gold.

Restore my will.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I'll just play other guys. THANKS BASH.


Should be new content out within a week. Won't be a major update but should still help rekindle some interest.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
It's the opposite for me -- I'm worried that Smash 4 won't be as good as Minus. Where's Snake!?


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I'm enjoying what I have right now and am still hyped for smash 4. Why can't people be like that?

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
1. I came back on the grid just to reply to this.
2. Gold, did Bash insult you? I don't know this term, "sandbagged". If someone could explain it...could be helpful.
3. Minus is here, both for me and my social group/local players, to hold us over until Smash 4, especially with the custom build I'm assembling with more and different stages, brand new characters (new to them and me at least), and the changes to Minus's roster's members and movesets. Will we play it after Smash 4? I honestly don't know. I do know that we will play it very much until December(?) arrives.


Sandbagging is when you don't try your hardest intentionally. Lot of people sandbag in friendlies and save their A game for tourney matches. Its a loose definition but thats the jist at least

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin throwing a fight? Like in real, non-virtual fighting?
If so...I'm confused at how one can "sandbag" then have a complaint that they're not having fun. Is it because losing was inevitable? Bash has the skill for that not to be the case. Therefore, my final answer is: Sandbagging causes boredom.


Well-Known Member
I've played the demo, and it's tough to say.

Minus may indeed take a backseat to smash 4, but I still really like minus. I'll be around when there are updates and to play smash 4 with you guys :)

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I think...I may be doing both...
Smash 4 Minus!
Why choose between one or the other!? :D
...Wait. I don't think they've homebrew'd the WiiU yet.
In due time then.


Jiggs2stronk throwing a fight? Like in real, non-virtual fighting?
If so...I'm confused at how one can "sandbag" then have a complaint that they're not having fun. Is it because losing was inevitable? Bash has the skill for that not to be the case. Therefore, my final answer is: Sandbagging causes boredom.
You've got it backwards. Bordem causes sandbagging.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Have you been winning too much? Is this why you are bored, lack of challenge?


No but I will say, I'm only as good as I am invested. All those times where I pull some random 1-2 stock comebacks against you, darx or thor, was REEAALLY into it.
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Can't stop The Dorf Train.
So you weren't invested in the Marth dittos?


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Uh huh...