Community Request Thread for the version after 4.2


The Rando-Est of Brandos
Minus Backroom
That’s a feature in literally all the Smash games tho.

If you do an attack that does pushback on shields and the shielder in on the ledge, they will fall off.

That is a part of the programming of the game itself and is also a competitive strategy for some characters.

This is a feature that is also present in Melee through Smash 4, PM included.

If your people are complaining about a mechanic like this, then they are just extremely out of touch with how Smash works in general.


my problem wish shield pushback is that it will push you off of ledges. I love the idea but it makes shielding by ledge annoying


The Rando-Est of Brandos
Minus Backroom
Yeah, but that’s still a mechanic.

And it’s not like it’s hard to see coming, if you’re close to ledge, you can get knocked off of it.

It’s been in every single game in the series and has functioned more or less the same way in all the games.

The whole point of shield pushback is to make sure that you can’t apply infinite pressure to someone’s shield to make shield breaking exceptionally easier.

It may be annoying to you, but it’s a main-stay mechanic that won’t be going away anytime soon. Because it is a consistent mechanic and the way to make it less annoying is just to pay better attention.


New Member
Reflect box on Waluigi's WAA should start sooner to make the move as good at reflecting quick projectiles as other special move reflectors - other reflectors start reflecting pretty much instantly, in WAA's case there is a relatively big delay before the move starts reflecting.
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