Announcing Brawl Minus 4.0!


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
People should attempt to enjoy Sm4sh while they wait


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
I love villager for the traps


Well-Known Member
Between 2 and 4 weeks left for this. So impatient but I have to wait...


Forum Reg of sorts
Between 2 and 4 weeks left for this. So impatient but I have to wait...
Man, I don't care if I have to wait 2-4 weeks, 3 months, a year or however long it takes. As long as it's released, I'm good.
Plus it gives you time to enjoy the new Fire Emblem game and Majora's Mask 3D but who cares am I right?


Active Member
Man, I don't care if I have to wait 2-4 weeks, 3 months, a year or however long it takes. As long as it's released, I'm good.
Plus it gives you time to enjoy the new Fire Emblem game and Majora's Mask 3D but who cares am I right?
That's a little dramatic, don't you think?