Announcing Brawl Minus 4.0!


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
No Sympathy Mode is fine. I don't see anyone complaining about Lucario's Aura, which is very similar.

Lucario is part of why I quit minus, so that invalidates your statement lol. Lucario gains too much bonus for taking hits, combined with his insane chase game, star KO potential, and his ridiculous combo game. "He's rewarded for surviving!" isn't a valid argument to allow the change to his power gain, especially considering he was given the tools to reach that power outside of getting hit. When you're good enough, you deal all the damage to yourself while wrecking your opponent, which only leads to further wreckage. His aura mechanics were tailored to make him the ultimate comeback character with a decent style of fighting, which is what I miss about him. He gained power based on damage AND stocks, making him more balanced in the long run, instead of what he's become.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
@Gold_TSG: Two questions:

1.) What were the other reasons you quit Minus? Sorry if you already posted 'em somewhere, and I forgot.

2.) What do you think should be done to Lucario? Until now, I haven't seen any complaints about him since he got Nerfed a while back. I knew he was still one of the best, but R.O.B. kinda stole his thunder.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
@Gold_TSG: Two questions:

1.) What were the other reasons you quit Minus? Sorry if you already posted 'em somewhere, and I forgot.

2.) What do you think should be done to Lucario? Until now, I haven't seen any complaints about him since he got Nerfed a while back. I knew he was still one of the best, but R.O.B. kinda stole his thunder.

1) I got bored of how easy it was to kill people with the ridiculous hitstun when it became far more noticeable after having gotten used to Smash 4. It's nothing but artificial combos to me, since some chars take advantage of it better than others. It devolves into something less skillful; first to get hit reaches 60+% or death, depending on the char's abilities. That, to me, is no longer fun.

2) I have nothing to say because I have no real interest in Minus anymore. Lucario is the strongest still, and the only reason ROB took the most spotlight is because he was easier to abuse. ROB was toned down many times, whereas Lucario was only really given a few, leaving some of the more bullshit things still in place, like the self-damage to gain power easily, the AMOUNT of power he gets through his aura, and his ridiculous combo potential through his "weak" quick attacks like utilt and fair. I personally prefer him being a comeback char like he was, not the "reach this threshold to annihilate" nonsense. Out of all his cheapness, nothing is worse than jump cancel double team, something that is easy as hell to spam and near impossible to predict or react to. I hated playing AS him, and I hated playing AGAINST him. Despite me not being amazing at him, or my opponent using him to his max potential, he is simply infuriating to fight because his matchups are so specific. You either master his counters and pray you don't get hit, or you die miserably. There really is no in-between. I love him to death in smash 4 cause he plays really well, and he's just fun.


Well-Known Member
I would say that Lucario is definetly tougher to balance. They have to both change his aura mechanics and change his playstyle. I think they finally got him okay at low percents, but he's still God beyond 75%. It's gonna take work to get him back down to everyone else's level.

It sounds like the general power level has increased too.


Well-Known Member
I would say that Lucario is definetly tougher to balance. They have to both change his aura mechanics and change his playstyle. I think they finally got him okay at low percents, but he's still God beyond 75%. It's gonna take work to get him back down to everyone else's level.

It sounds like the general power level has increased too.

Well how about reverting him to Max Lucario, but then cutting his weight in half? The ULTIMATE glass cannon...

Joking, but it would certainly be hilarious.


Wolf Flash
Will no longer go into special fall at the end of the move
Non-cancelled version has endlag long enough to keep Wolf Flash stalling from being a thing

thank you...
This killed me all the time when I played wolf, I loved everything about him but this was just enfuriating.


I know these aren't all the changes so I hope something is done about wolf uair chains into upb
Y'all don't seem to mind Captians chaingrabing. Good.
Does peaches hold A to down B work with Cstick or bah?
Zelda still broke because Bent can't recreate it. Making replays today.


Well-Known Member
I know these aren't all the changes so I hope something is done about wolf uair chains into upb
Y'all don't seem to mind Captians chaingrabing. Good.
Does peaches hold A to down B work with Cstick or bah?
Zelda still broke because Bent can't recreate it. Making replays today.

Sunderstorm and I tested the so-called "chaingrab". It's not real on Yoshi for sure and we tested some others and concluded the Captain can't actually CG anyone. If memory serves, Yoshi can nair out of a regrab. I don't remember who else you said can be CG'd, but I can go test more if I need to so that everyone's answer can be determined (or if, somehow, we failed to test someone and that someone can actually be CG'd).


Well-Known Member
Wolf doesn't have anything instead of Uair and upb finisher in terms of combos. Upb doesn't even actually kill early since they nerfed it.

What are you asking about peach?


Well-Known Member
Wolf doesn't have anything instead of Uair and upb finisher in terms of combos. Upb doesn't even actually kill early since they nerfed it.

What are you asking about peach?

Wolf can do silly things with nair and some cute stuff with bair, and he can tech chase some with dair, but his combo game is primarily centered around uair strings.

I don't really think it needs nerfing since up+B has been nerfed some, but maybe it should be somehow... that said, they'd have to do him like Jigglypuff or something for that to work...


Well-Known Member
Nah he's fine. If Uair strings are part of his game and tech chases are the other part then his character is well designed. He can combo but he has to play smart and he's tricky to control.


Nobody in this game is tricky to control lol. If you spend like an hour practicing your suicshines, shine infininites and, infinite recovery. Theres no reason you can't control wolf the way you want.

It was yoshi, like, marth, sheik, rob(?) Pretty much anyone who was a heavy/midweight but had the normal fall speed of Mk or kirby