Daily Match-up Discussion


Newb I'll be happy to play you with my Ness since you seem to be asking for a refresher =p


Well-Known Member
It's been awhile since we last played in general, so yeah sure. We can play anytime during the day this week. You got Skype?


Well-Known Member
anybody know how to win the IC vs ROB, or the IC vs Snake MUs as IC? nana always go bye-bye for me :(


Well-Known Member
IC verse snake I think is doable since neutral special kills his mines. He has range, but he is slow. Against a good snake they have it tough.

Rob has two many ways to hit them and he has fast attacks that are bound to separate them. Neutral special does wall him though since he can't reflect them.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Can someone teach/help/practice with me to beat these characters:
-Top Caliber Bowser
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The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Who I'm best with:

Who I can play as but am still learning:
-Toon Link
-Mr. Game & Watch

The characters I can't beat are winning on a consistent basis. I'm learning more about my characters each day, but it's my opponents' characters that I need practice fighting. At home, I am the only Smash player and fighting level minus CPUs don't get me anywhere.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Level minus AI isn't better than level 9, actually. And if you need help learning to fight Bowser, Dorf and Rob, hwell I can help with that.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I'll take it. We'll have to set up a time and a skype


Well-Known Member
Can someone teachh/help/practice with me to beat these characters:
-Top Caliber Bowser
tell me your main and ill spill specifc char beans.

generally, bowser is sf2 Zangief (if you dont know sf2 zangief, think of a char thats extremely hard to beat up close, but super easy to keep away), so you want to keep him as far awat as possible (or if you main a char w/o projectiles, space him well, and punish when he tries to grab you with his super grab). Also, he's the ultimate combo dummy too, so it's really easy to tack on dmg against him.

Ganondorf is similar, but imo, is more mobile given his faster flame choke, and wizard kick. An effective strategy would be to use a bait and punish technique as he's almost combo dummy like boozer. approach him like bowser, but with a bit more caution imo as he can take control of the situation faster because his setups are harder to deal with than bowser from my experience.

ROB is the char i dislike/like the most (playing as him and playing against him). his weakness are hard exploit, but ill tell you. His weakness are, big size (easier to hit), and Comboable (true combos, and frame traps only). but, the problem is getting a hit on him first, and with all his options (mobility: SideB, Psuedo-wavedash, Up-B, and glide toss. KO: Nair, Bair, Upsmash, Fsmash, GyroS (capitalized for dumbness), Neutral B, Fair (edgeguarding), and Uair ( vertical juggle finisher at the top blastzone)), its a struggle with all chars honestly.
EDIT: saw your post; pit and sheik. my bad, but you still can use this.


Well-Known Member
Who I'm best with:

Who I can play as but am still learning:
-Toon Link
-Mr. Game & Watch

The characters I can't beat are winning on a consistent basis. I'm learning more about my characters each day, but it's my opponents' characters that I need practice fighting. At home, I am the only Smash player and fighting level minus CPUs don't get me anywhere.
addressing the CPUs, you just go to get creative with them. Ex, if you lookin to shape up your execution with your chars, 99 stocks with a low-lvl cpu, and its gud ( also, doing this aginst chars that aren't ditto shows your chars offensive options, doing this with ditto shows your defensive options). If you're lookin to see if you're being safe while doing your offense, do the above, but with 200%, so if the cpu hits you, it was you being unsafe and getting punished. there's more, but im going to sleep (and to the toilet to drop subs).


So here I am. Thinking about jiggly puff and shield pressure. It's generally a very bad idea to shield pressure Jiggs at all. Either jiggs can eat it or you'll both die.

So for characters who's meta-game revolves around punishing and pressuring shields, how do you beat the puff?


Well-Known Member
So here I am. Thinking about jiggly puff and shield pressure. It's generally a very bad idea to shield pressure Jiggs at all. Either jiggs can eat it or you'll both die.

So for characters who's meta-game revolves around punishing and pressuring shields, how do you beat the puff?
Generally, it'll depend on the momentum gained by either players. If you have it, you can pressure her shield with ease , as if it breaks, you'll both die , and will destroy the work jiggly puff did to get back the momentum. But, idk, I'm theory crafting


Resident Minusaur
Minus Backroom
Assuming there's just enough shieldstun, I guess you could just pressure until shieldbreak against her when you're in the lead for a suicide? Seems somewhat risky... her out of shield isn't too shabby, is it?


Well-Known Member
SHDL, break shield by having all of them hit. E-Z.

Oh wait not everyone plays Falco.

Also who is actually good at pressuring shields in this game? Apparently Peach is, but shield pressure still feels dumb in this game. (Or else I need to learn my attacks better, because it feels like I can never shield grab anything [Kirby fsmash is literally impossible unless powershielded, at least for Falco, and it feels very hard to time shieldgrab on ROB dsmash], and it also feels like most of Falco's attacks are unsafe on shield and therefore very grabbable - is this just his/my problem? Do I just suck at shieldgrabs or something?)

Shield pressure also becomes better on Jiggs the more behind you are while still on same stock, or while up a stock, because those trades are very favorable. So just not losing a stock before Jiggs is enough to avoid the shield pressure issue, at least until last stock.


Well-Known Member
Explosion is nothin to worry about. I'mp retty sure you have to be on the ground to be instantly killed by it. Otherwise it does 25 damage but has little knockback.

Lots of aerials are very shield grab able. Some smashes are too. This is true especialy if you power shield.


You don't have to be on the ground. You just have to be close.

To all the things about trading:

I feel jiggs Is very trade friendly and had comeback potential to rival Metaknight and lucario combined. Maybe im just weird but I will trade stocks up until the last two. Even if im behind.
Jiggs has the ability to KO at any percent with gravity and KO as low as 40 with rest. The healing definitely makes it crazy safe. Not toto mention that 40% is not hard for jiggs to rack up. I've won many matches just by being down two- three stocks and making a full comeback. My one recorded victory against glyph was obtained in this manner.

Even now im still discovering all the potential jiggly has. As Tybis said out off shield isnt bad for jiggs. Probably the only time I find utilt useful. Rollout is a really nice bluff. (Or is it?) She has gimp potential out the ass. Offstage I've talked about alot Fair/bair/Nair is all you ever need.
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Well-Known Member
NEWB said:
This is true especialy if you power shield.

Every non-multihit move is safe on powershield, and I've seen/read somewhere that you can powershield a multihit move and get enough invincibility to punish with a shield grab (not sure it's true, but I've seen it before on Pikachu dsmash in vBrawl...).

I guess I'd just love to see frame data and how stuff is on shield so I can know what is and isn't safe on shield (for example, Falcon's sweetspot knee is safe on shield in Melee if low enough, but in Brawl Minus it is shield-grabbable since it doesn't push back far enough...). I guess if I had my Wii back I could also try to get someone to test with me, but I don't know someone willing to do that.

Jiggs feels trade-friendly? Come back to me after fighting Gold_TSG's Ganondorf. Or his DK. Also utilt-> rest is awesome onstage.


Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Not enough people play with me :(


Well-Known Member
Gold_TSG said:
Not enough people play with me :(

Sorry... I wish I could but I used to not stay up late and I also can't access my Wii right now, or I'd probably try to alter my schedule a bit during the summer to play with you more.

Incidentally, does anyone else feel like Luigi/Olimar is EXTREMELY difficult for Luigi [I won't say unwinnable, but the MU feels gross]? Olimar can just wall him out with Pikmin super hard, and Luigi doesn't have much in the way of great approaches - fireballs can help but one pikmin eats them up while 5 more are flying at Luigi, and if they get stuck to you they can efficiently cut a combo short if Luigi's hitboxes don't knock them all off (and he's not like Marth, with a tool to quickly remove them, or Mario, who can cape them and has more fireballs, and he doesn't have the air speed of Captain Falcon to fly through them and then quickly uair them off... and his dash attack isn't as good as DK's). Advice?