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i really need to stop being lazy and find the time to stop playing smash 4 mods and return to minus. untill smash - comes out.
Bent 00
Bent 00
Which Smash 4 mods are you playing? I haven't tried any of them yet, and only know of Kienamaru's "SSB Unify".
i've been playing various mod packs from gamebanana, i like the one from a generic fox main, since its skins are nice and sound effects are fun. but the overloaded mod is pretty great for adding in so much while replacing so little. of course these mod packs dont effect online play. which i still want to play.
Doctor: Rest your arm for a while. Perhaps a few days. Me: Okay. *plays on 3DS for hours while lying down* Life is okay.
Talking with professors always puts me in a foul mood. Even thinking about that makes me anxious.
Loving Sakurai for everything he's done in Smash-though his balancing methods could use an update. Don't tell him I said anything. o_o
Apparently all the characters I play are "bottom" tier; why does this happen in every fighting game I play?
A proper, more accurate community tier list is still being worked on. Many rankings conflict with each other because not everyone has seen what certain characters can and can't do.
And here I am, completely ignorant on a lot of balance issues.
Finally realized how meh Yoshi is. Ivysaur's my new main for good. Sorry, Yoshi. :/
Way back, I said that Shadow Kirby was revived. However, that was only in my personal build. I'm super hyped that he made it in officially!