New profile posts

New Minus version is out, and I'm happier than ever. Who cares if it's a coincidence? I got my own version. XD
your avatar is Cat Planet, eh?

Didn't expect to find a raocow fan here of all places... but then again, I shouldn't be surprised.
Sandbag just crashed. Ganondorf in HRC was a mistake, I tells ya.
Jiggs in HRC was't nearly as bad, although to be fair that one was at 0%.
Tested Jiggs at 43%. Still not nearly as bad as the Warlock Punch. I hate to make this joke, but... BUFF THE PUFF

(I was using Explosion and not Rest, by the way.)
What's been up with you lately?
There's also been the lull waiting for 4.0f, so that there is less going on here... but it's not that I've lost interest so much as laziness + end of summer + aforementioned computer issue that all resulted in me checking the boards way less.
Will the new computer be able to handle netplay?
Maybe??? Never tried it... might ask someone to help me set it up... the old one likely could not though.
Brawl Minus is a blast. It's utterly amazing how the game manages to stay balanced with all these ridiculous buffs!
If anyone in the Lake Tahoe area wants to hang, I'll be there from today through Sunday.