Serious Trouble for a Firsttime Brawl Mod User


New Member
Hi there. I recently learned about Brawl - and fell in love with it instantly. I tried setting it up for myself on a hackless Wii, but am continuously getting no results. If someone could help walk me through the process, I'd be very grateful. :)


Minus Backroom
If you're having trouble and want help you're going to need to go into more depth on what you tried and what results you got. The rough steps for running a Brawl mod hacklessly are:

  1. Delete all custom stages (including the stages that came with Brawl) from Brawl
  2. Download your mod onto your 2GB or smaller SD card and insert it in your Wii
  3. Start up Brawl, go to custom stage editor
  4. Start the game when Gecko OS comes up, you're done