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Can't stop The Dorf Train.
Why can random pick random like when selecting random characters?

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Just found out I have the Battlefield My Music glitch too. One of the tracks won't play, and the game freezes when I try to access Battlefield in My Music.

What's the fix for this? It seems to be caused by MAX 3.3. Even when I switched back to MAX 1.01, the bug remained.

Doqtor Kirby

Resident Design Nitpicker
Minus Backroom
Battlefield My Music Reset :
4A000000 9017EBCC
14000000 000026FC
14000004 00000032
14000008 000027EE
1400000C 00000032
14000010 00002711
14000014 00000032
14000018 00002813
1400001C 00000032
14000020 00002815
14000024 00000032
E0000000 80008000


A Meaningless Circle
Minus Backroom
Can I get an answer to this?

Also, one of Battlefield's tracks will be completely silent (along with no song name displaying) when it plays on the stage.

It should. I was away from home for a few days. It's fixed my battlefield issue a few times before. You just put the code on your GCT. Start up whatever version of brawl and you'll go to my music seeing that you can't move the song bars. After that you should turn off your brawl. Remove the code from the gct (or turn it off since you could someday need it again) and when you run Brawl again it should work.


Well-Known Member
What was being said about random picking random is that the reason why random character select freezes is because they think that random is mistakenly trying to select the random slot itself to play. This would be a CSS glitch yes?


Well-Known Member
Now for some bugs.....

Distant Planet: as Yoshi, stand on the right portion if the stage, face the left portion, and flutter jump to it. Keep moving forward in the air, and Yoshi doesn't seem to land and floats over the ground as long as you move forward. Kirby has a similar issue seen by jumping to the right ledge of the left portion and gets suspended in air as he seems to stay to the edge while being airborne as long as you move forward.

Lavender Town: Pichus voice clip is quieter here. Possibly not a stage flaw?

Ivysaur and wario have issues on many new stages. When trying to edge hop by pressing back to let go of the edge, they also wall jump. This a problem?


Well-Known Member
Since my Wii keeps freezing when it chooses stages via random stage select, but never when it chooses FD, SV, or BF, and I was told there is some way to make it that my random stage select simply never chooses a stage that was modified, what files do I need to turn on/off/remove from my SD card so that random stage select does not choose most stages (at some point I was told it's "all or nothing", I'd like my random stage select to be "nothing" now).

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Since my Wii keeps freezing when it chooses stages via random stage select, but never when it chooses FD, SV, or BF, and I was told there is some way to make it that my random stage select simply never chooses a stage that was modified, what files do I need to turn on/off/remove from my SD card so that random stage select does not choose most stages (at some point I was told it's "all or nothing", I'd like my random stage select to be "nothing" now).
Make sure this code is off:

Enable Random Expansion Stages v1.1 [Phantom Wings]:
C26B7A6C 00000005
3860001F 2C120000
41820008 3860000A
7C101800 41800008
38000001 7C800379
60000000 00000000

The attached MAX 3.3 RSBE01.gct already has it disabled. It's actually already disabled in the default MAX 3.3 codeset text file -- don't know if it is in the default RSBE01.gct, though.

If it still freezes using this .gct, it's not this code's fault; in that case, I'm guessing this code would make it less likely for Random to pick itself and freeze (if that really is what's happening).


  • RSBE01.7z
    3.5 KB · Views: 442


Well-Known Member
Wait, are walking random stage select or character select? I have no issues at all with stages except being unable to select which ones are on and off. It's the random character option that freezes.


Well-Known Member
I'm tired of hitting random stages and having this obnoxious buzzing noise on my Wii and having to hard shutdown (I don't know if it's random stage, but this seems to cause the error, or it occurs concurrently with hitting random at least). If I manually choose stages, it only occurs if I choose odd stages like Hannenbow, so I'm gonna look to turn the code off and see if it runs without error.

I don't about the random character issues.


Well-Known Member
I have random character issues. I hear others did too. It is believed that it is caused by random mistakenly picking random to play.

Try not using random character select. It's a pain, but I currently use an online random number generator.


Well-Known Member
I played with random character select (two people using it actually) for about an hour or so, choosing mainly first-page stages, with no issues [after the hour I had to turn it off to do other stuff]. A couple different times I've used the random-stage (I haven't tried messing with the code yet) somewhere around 6 times and it crashes.

If it's the random character select, it's so far only occurred when also using the random stage select.
It should. I was away from home for a few days. It's fixed my battlefield issue a few times before. You just put the code on your GCT. Start up whatever version of brawl and you'll go to my music seeing that you can't move the song bars. After that you should turn off your brawl. Remove the code from the gct (or turn it off since you could someday need it again) and when you run Brawl again it should work.

Thanks, this has fixed the problem.


I did some online with glitch today. The game gave me that "disk read error "I screen everytime we chose the modifed rumble falls

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Stage-Related Bugs & Errors I Found in Brawl Minus 3.5:

Stage Select Screen:
- Yoshi's Story 64 has the Game Icon and Music of Mario Kart.
- Hyrule Castle has the Game Icon of Twilight Princess (it should be The Legend of Zelda).
- Lavaville has the Game Icon and Series Icon of Metroid (they should be custom icons).
- Final Frustration has the Game Icon, Series Icon, and Music of Pikmin (should be S.S.B.M. or custom icons).
- New Pork City has the Game Icon of Earthbound (it should be Mother 3).
- Metal Cavern has the Game Icon and Series Icon of Mario Bros. (they should be S.S.B. 64 icons).
- Lavender Town has the Series Icon and some Music of Game & Watch / Flat Zone (they should be custom).
- Kongo Jungle ("64" missing) has the Game Icon and Series Icon of Electroplankton (they should be D.K.C. icons).
- Fountain of Dreams has the Game Icon, Series Icon, and Music of Super Mario 64 / Rainbow Cruise.
- Saffron City has the Game Icon and Series Icon of F-Zero (they should be Pokemon icons).

Small stuff, but I was bored, so...
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Well-Known Member

While project m is good about replacing those icons, I don't think minus has ever looked at those. That's kinda fare though, since we may or my not be getting stage expansion.

It'd be nice if those icons were corrected when stage expansion is permanently implemented/excluded.

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Before I forget: At least several of the stages still have that overly-sensitive camera that zooms and jumps around too much.

The sensitive camera issue is most noticeable with just two players -- try moving closer and farther apart, and jump around off the side of the stage. You'll see what I'm talking about. Those jerky camera pans and zooms can really ruin a good stage.

Please fix the camera in those stages by doing this:
Take the 1.01 .pac and rename it to whichever STGCUSTOM the new Hyrule Castle is. Then go to and select Bridge of Eldin on the first, STGCUSTOM on the second. Download it and rename it to the appropriate STGCUSTOM for Hyrule Castle. Then it *should* work.
Make substitutions for the stages mentioned there, obviously.


Sometimes when I pick Bf, it freezes the other player over wifi. Also occasionally, no music gets played which is disturbing

Other Aether

Please fix the camera in those stages by doing this:

Make substitutions for the stages mentioned there, obviously.
Unfortunately, that won't work. Most of the stages with this issue have this camera because they were imported from Project M. As such, there isn't a previous version of them with the vBrawl camera. Your best bet is to find a vBrawl Cam version of these stages on Brawl Vault and use the .rel to port it from the intended stage to STGCUSTOM.


New Member
I never thought moving a stage from one stage slot to another would change how the camera behaves, but I suppose it's possible.
By the way, the version of Brawl- 3.5 I downloaded doesn't have STGCUSTOMs in it. Is there a different version that does?

Bent 00

Longtime Limit Breaker
Hey libertyernie! It's good to see you here. Thanks for all your work on your Classic Stage Expansion Packs. My group has gotten a lot of enjoyment out of all those extra stages. :)

To answer your question, the Stage Expansion codes were removed in version 3.5 because of reports they may have been causing freezing. Something related to Random Stage Select or Random Character Select... They'll probably be reimplemented in a future update, once the cause of the freezes has been found.

Version 3.3 is the last version to feature the Stage Expansion codes.


The Learning Star Warrior
Sometimes when I pick Bf, it freezes the other player over wifi. Also occasionally, no music gets played which is disturbing

That's a problem that can happen to any stage. Try a Battlefield My Music Reset code.
I also apologize for the late reply.

Battlefield My Music Reset :
4A000000 9017EBCC
14000000 000026FC
14000004 00000032
14000008 000027EE
1400000C 00000032
14000010 00002711
14000014 00000032
14000018 00002813
1400001C 00000032
14000020 00002815
14000024 00000032
E0000000 80008000
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The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Hey, libertyernie. In my custom build, I've have a custom stage roster using the Classic Expansion Pack as a template and editing the common5 and stage folder when I please. If Bent's words are true and you were one of the people who did the CEP, I thank you as well. It has made local gaming much more fun for those who play my build.
But yes, 3.3 is the last one that was released with added stages. We hope to see it return eventually.