[Playtester] EpicNonBread

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Malfunctioning Machinery
Minus Backroom
1) What region do you live in?
  • East Coast. I live in New York and currently attend college in Massachusetts.
2) What smash tournament experience do you have?
  • I have been playing competitive Smash since 2010. Starting with Brawl, over the years I picked up more Smash titles going from Melee, to Project M, then to Smash 4 on its release, and now Minus as of late last year. For Brawl I only did a very few wifi tournaments. For Melee, I still participate with a local community in New York since around 2014. For PM, I’ve played with that same New York community and played at Gaming Underground over the past two summers and participated in Blacklisted 1 and 2 (no notable placings). For Smash 4 I took over my college’s gaming club and have been running/TOing 15 to 40 man events since 2015 and then expanded this to hosting events for other Smash titles, including Brawl Minus. And finally, I began playing Minus early last year and my first official event attended was Special Fall.
Minus Tournament Placings-
1st Smash@Becker Brawl Minus Singles
3rd Smash@Becker Brawl Minus Singles
9th Special Fall
7th Minus Chronicles 1
9th Breaking in the New Year!
2nd Minus Chronicles 2
1st MC Minus Madness Doubles

3) What other notable players do you frequently play with?
  • I do not have any frequent play time with anyone too “notable”. I’m good friends with dev SonicBrawler at college.
4) How much time do you have available?
  • I have a rather good amount of time available for the game that I already put into bug finding and researching for Minus.
5) How often do you play Brawl Minus? Do you play alone or with others?
  • I play Minus around 5 to 10 hours on a regular school week. I do labbing sessions with SonicBrawler, TEEJ, and YoungBoyBread. I host my own side events for Minus in my college smash scene, and I am an active netplayer as of late last year.
6) Can you stream or upload videos frequently?
  • I can upload content at any time that the job requires. I don’t do any personal livestreaming or Youtube work as of now but I have active accounts on both and am currently using an Elgato HD and Power Director 9 for my college tournament scene recording/editing/streaming.
7) Do you have current videos of you playing Brawl Minus?
  • I do not have any footage of Minus on Youtube or Twitch but I can easily change that if accepted. The only content I put out so far is for the Youtube channel for my college Smash scene which can be found at

However, here are some of the bugs I have made footage of. I have plenty more in addition to these ones documented and not recorded yet.

Wario Momentum Glitch-
Sonic Momentum Glitch-
Olimar Momentum Glitch-
Waluigi Momentum Glitch-
Ice Climbers Momentum Glitch-
Roy Momentum Glitch-

Marth Momentum Glitch-

ROB Robo Boost Suicide-

Ivysaur Gigadrain Cancel-



Bowser Infinite Suicide on Nana-

Olimar Land-Canceled Up B-

Mewtwo GFX Stacking-

Ganon GFX Displacement-

Snake Z Button Item Interaction-

Diddy Up Throw Freeze-

Link Mortal Draw Respawn-


Pin Clock

Project Leader
Minus Backroom
We will put this application on hold and revisit it when we have a further need for playtesters. We do appreciate the gfycats though so we'll keep you in mind.
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