Ocarina of Time Young and Adult Link (Oneslot)

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Just a dood with ideas
i think if young link is put in, it should be the OoT young link, AND adult link, with a master sword taunt-transform... that would be perty cool... moveset wise (or rather item wise) it would make sense to give young link the bombchus instead of bombs and obviously the boomerang should be exclusive to young link instead of adult link... item wise:
young link could use the masks, the magic beans, the slingshot, the boomerang, the deku stick, aaand i guess he had the owl (could be a taunt)...

adult link (exclusively) had the arrows (+ the magic arrows), the hammer, the biggoron sword, the hover boots (maybe can be like peach's hover, but shorter), the iron boots (maybe give armor on crouching, like he's put them on..?), the different shields, the suits, and i think the hookshot was the last thing (not counting the master sword)...

...now, not counting majoras mask, this is the canon i think... other than these items, they BOTH have access to:

dekunuts (recommend to young)
bombs (recommend to adult)
bombchus (toy-like, so young)
the magic spells (adult)
and the lens of truth is the last item i can think of, which i guess could be a counter if you REALLY don't have enough here already xP

...but my idea is to give adult link the din's fire from OoT, and young link Nayru's love if it fits (to avoid too many magics going to one link)
the slingshot could go to young link, maybe with a stun, and the fairy bow and arrows to adult link... if possible, make fire and ice available, and only on fully charged, kinda like toon link atm, but only on fully charged, and no traps... maybe make it able to be chosen by taunt or in a cycled order..? ...

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I think this is possible maybe...due to this:


Just a dood with ideas
i've been following that too, and i hope this means it could be possible :) basically the idea is it takes up two character slots (with brawlex help), but one CSS slot, and they switch through taunting instead of through down B or FS (PT + Zelda/Sheik, or ZSS/Samus)... so it'd be pretty sick to see something with this in it, even if a lot of the moves don't stay exactly cannon... anyway, maybe their attacks could be similar to each other to remain simpler to code, and their weight and speed, etc change through forms, but only their specials change... if side B was deku seed, it could be like it was in OoT and just instantly hit the ground infront of him and have the stun that ZSS's down smash has... anyway, just an idea, and i personally can understand if this doesn't get to the devs, but it may be possible

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Kind of like a Wario into Warioman. I like it. What changes after the transformation?

Other Aether

Making a full moveset for both right now. Hang on.

EDIT: Here it is!
Young Link:
Sweetspots are at the middle of his Sword.

Neutral B: Slingshot. Can be held as long as he wants to, and gains power over time up to a certain point. Can be aimed in practically any direction and turned around. When released, travels in an arc and does relatively high damage and hitstun, with minimal knockback.

Side B: Hold B for Boomerang, with low start-up and ending lag. Tap B for a jump-strike with a Deku Stick.

Up B: Could be a generic spin-attack, but it would be cool if he rode a magic bean platform kind of like Snake's Cypher except that you can stand on it and have greater control over it. Maybe it could have a strong downwards windbox that forces foes downwards, to make it difficult to attack him? Grounded up-b could be standard spin-attack.

Down B: Picks up a Bombchu and holds it over his head. When he releases it with A (smash throwing it/directional throwing doesn't make a difference) it travels much like Pikachu's Neutral B, hugging the ground and climbing up walls, then exploding.

Jabs: Pretty much just like Link's, but slightly weaker, faster and lower range.

fTilt: Jabs his sword forwards, like Link's SSB64 dash attack.

uTilt: Hops upwards a little, swings his sword in a circle over his head (sort of like Ike's uAir).

dTilt: Quick grounded jab, like Marth's dTilt but lower range.

fSmash: Jump-strike from OoT. Leaps a ways forwards and swings his sword over his head, like a less fancy version of Link's current fSmash.

uSmash: Pretty much like Toon Link's. Quick over-head arc with his sword.

dSmash: Pretty much like Toon Link's. Quick front-back slash that links.

nAir: Sticks his foot forward like Link's nAir.

fAir: Pretty much like Toon Link's. Quick arcing swing from bottom to top.

uAir: Pretty much like Toon Link's. Quick stab upwards.

dAir: Pretty much like Toon Link's, except that if you quickly tap A it's not a stall-then-fall.

bAir: Sticks his sword out straight behind him, for a quick heavy strike.

sTaunt: Plays The Sun's Song on his Ocarina (because I feel The Sun's Song would fit a taunt best).
uTaunt: Drinks Lawn Lawn Milk, like Young Link's Melee taunt.
dTaunt: The pedestal from The Temple of Time appears in front of him with the Master Sword in it, and he pulls it out, going through his OoT animation of staring at it. Then he transforms into Adult Link. Can be cancelled into A attacks at the start in case it's used by mistake.

Victory1: Chases a Cuckoo for a few seconds, then picks it up and throws it away. After that, he just stands and pants.
Victory2: Plays Zelda's Lullaby, Song of Time or Song of Storms on his Ocarina. Can't decide which.
Victory3: Holds the Forest Spiritual Stone over his head and stares at it.
Lose/No-Contest: Just claps, like most everyone else.

Adult Link:

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The Learning Star Warrior
For his FS, when he is in Fierce Deity mode. All of his sword attacks would have a bigger hitbox and fire a sort of swordbeam. I feel like they would either pierce shields or just deal heavy shield damage and would travel a little over half of Final Destination (depending on how powerful the attack is normally). I can't really think of ways to replace Young Link's specials, though.

These are just starting ideas for someone to work off of.

Other Aether

For his FS, when he is in Fierce Deity mode. All of his sword attacks would have a bigger hitbox and fire a sort of swordbeam. I feel like they would either pierce shields or just deal heavy shield damage and would travel a little over half of Final Destination (depending on how powerful the attack is normally). I can't really think of ways to replace Young Link's specials, though.

These are just starting ideas for someone to work off of.
Fierce Deity Mode is MM, not OoT, and the TC seemed to want OoT only.


The Learning Star Warrior
...That sounds like the best idea ever XD

Well, I'm already out of good ideas. Maybe I'll write again if I think of something.

Also, that Young Link moveset you're talking about sounds really promising. I'd love to see that published!


The Learning Star Warrior
Maybe his FS could be an army of Cuccos attacking everyone.

Adult Link using Epona sounds cool. Would he fire arrows everywhere or swing his sword? Or do you plan on him just running over everyone?
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The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
CUCCO ARMY! If that isn't a final smash, I want that to be an Assist Trophy!

Aether, your ability to seemingly spontaneously conjure a full moveset is beginning to scare me because both times I've thought they're good.
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Can't stop The Dorf Train.
It's definitely a cool idea, but would require a lot of work. And that SMBZ Mario moveset looks awesome, but visually lacks a lot of polish and "oomph" on the attack animations.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I agree with the Mario one. I downloaded it and tested it myself. There are somethings that need some buffing and it could be done better, but it was nice. I didn't delete it lol.
Yeah this would require much work, both in animating and coding. It requires a team of skilled people, who would get behind it. It all starts with an idea. Never know where it could lead.


Just a dood with ideas
Maybe his FS could be an army of Cuccos attacking everyone.

Adult Link using Epona sounds cool. Would he fire arrows everywhere or swing his sword? Or do you plan on him just running over everyone?

i love that idea :D also, don't forget about the spells, like din's fire or naryu's love... as of now, Zelda herself uses a totally different version of din's fire than in these games, so maybe that original one [OoT din's fire] could be used... and remember, although it's already in zelda's moveset, keep in mind that many move in this game are shared between a few characters, and this is still a possible option

It's definitely a cool idea, but would require a lot of work. And that SMBZ Mario moveset looks awesome, but visually lacks a lot of polish and "oomph" on the attack animations.

i definitely agree xP the smash attacks involving hammers seem so boring... i think if mariodk used more inspiration from the way ice climbers or dedede charge their smash attacks involving hammers, or even made SMBZ Mario wind ups more exaggerated, like how Paper Mario twists his body to wind up for the spin hammer (look at SMBZ's down smash), then it'd look a little more fluid... :p but i guess i probably shouldn't be talking about animation skills, given i haven't even tried animating stuff like this before


Just a dood with ideas
Shoot. My bad. I just suggested Fierce Deity because he mentioned the possible use of masks.

yeah, sorry, but it wouldn't exactly be cannon if young link from majora's mask could pull out the master sword too... BUT, i still think it'd be cool if an alt for one skin for young and adult link makes young link use the shield and sword from majora's mask and with taunt transform into a reskin of adult link made to look like fierce deity! :D it would mostly be aesthetic, but if it's easy enough to make or if the models are made available, then it would definitely have potential to make it in! ^^


The Learning Star Warrior
yeah, sorry, but it wouldn't exactly be cannon if young link from majora's mask could pull out the master sword too... BUT, i still think it'd be cool if an alt for one skin for young and adult link makes young link use the shield and sword from majora's mask and with taunt transform into a reskin of adult link made to look like fierce deity! :D it would mostly be aesthetic, but if it's easy enough to make or if the models are made available, then it would definitely have potential to make it in! ^^

That sounds like a great idea! Fierce Deity costumes are always a plus.
Maybe Adult Link's neutralB could become the real Din's fire from OoT, With a bit of a slow startup with a large, decently powerful hitbox. Then, the bow and arrows (and magical arrows) could become the new sideB.


Just a dood with ideas
that sounds awesome, but i'd still like the arrows to be on neutral B, for consistency xP ...maybe din's fire could be smaller and go over down smash or up smash

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I thought we were on the road to innovation? lol jk


Just a dood with ideas
hahaha, good point x) but i guess in this instance, i think if the arrows are still gonna be a charge and release move, it'd feel better over neutral b... also, it would fit with the neutral B for the young link moveset Aether had in mind


The Learning Star Warrior
Alright. Arrows are neutralB, Din's fire is down smash, maybe Nayru's Love could be downB? I'm not sure if it would be just a copy of Zelda's or something that grants a form of temporary defense.

I'm having trouble thinking of a new sideB. Maybe Megaton Hammer?

EDIT: I just noticed I love using the word "maybe."


Just a dood with ideas
haha, that's alright, man, we're all just posting ideas after all :) and yeah, side B could be megaton hammer... i was thinking maybe if upsmash was Din's fire, then down smash could be naryu's love, but maybe instead it could be one over adult, and one over young link's down smash(es)... i still am just throwing out ideas, i still don't know what'd be nicer to have in game... and oh my god, i would love to see the megaton hammer too ^^ maybe as a side B or smash... however i also would've liked to see the deku seed be in... maybe tap versus hold for megaton hammer versus deku seed (side B)? ... ...or maybe holding down B instead of pressing pulls out a megaton hammer item, like pulling out a beam sword, which can hit people into the ground if you side smash with it?... and maybe link can drop it like a normal item, or maybe it lasts as long as the hammer/goldenhammer and just disappears in his hand/ can't be picked up / something..??? XP there are so many ways the megaton hammer could be implemented!! XD


The Learning Star Warrior
The possibilities!

I like the idea of choosing either the Megaton Hammer or a Deku Nut attack depending if you either tap or hold SideB.
Aether probably finished an Adult Link moveset already, considering how quickly he made the Young Link moveset. XD

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
The Megaton Hammer. Adult link down B(unless bombs are in that slot, then in that case make it an AirDownB.).
Action: Link swings it downward upon the ground.
Effect: When it connects with the ground, opponents on the ground take damage similar to that of Dedede's fsmash or stun damage.
Effect 2: If you're the poor fool who gets to find out what the flat end of the Megaton Hammer looks like up close, you get planted into the ground.
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