Multiple Smash Balls and Final Smashes

Lucis Perficio

Radiant Hero of Blue Flames
I was wondering how feasible it would be to allow there to be more than one Smash ball on screen at once and for more than once character to use their final smash at once, either on separate characters or the same one. I'd imagine invincibility would need to be removed for this to work well.

Separately, what's the possibility of some characters having multiple Final Smashes, such as one executed with B, and another executed with another input, or when certain conditions are met.


Well-Known Member
I've actually seen this done, but it doesn't work all that well. From what I saw, multiple characters can simply have their final smashes ready for use. This was probably done not with multiple smash balls but with a code that lets you get a final smash by taunting. I think I say multiple links use their finals smashes but back to back, not at the same. As pin said, this would most definetly mess up some other characters final smashes due to the camera.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I believe Zeus had something like that where the characters had Ultra moves, similar to Final Smashes, but they didn't require a Smash Ball to use it. It was some obscure thing combination of circumstances like be above 200% then back throw and then the character would sparkle, or some were as easy as taunting. The animations and camera control for the moves were different for each character, but I've never tried doing two at once.

Lucis Perficio

Radiant Hero of Blue Flames
Ah but could the code for Final Smashes not be altered somehow? I wonder how deeply hackers have gone into Brawl. Brawl EX manages to expand the roster, and PM claims they're adding more stages. So I wonder, could it not be made so that the Final Smash code is changed so that multiple can be executed, and even so that things like invulnerability are removed? Just imagine how awesome it would be to clash/overlap Final Smashes!


Well-Known Member
I think the main problem is just the camera not knowing where to go. If you disabled the camera, I suppose it could work. But it all depends on how the game handles indivual final smashes.