Mewtwo 4.0BC Feedback Thread


New Member
Been having a lot of fun with Mewtwo. I only have a few questions/reports.

It may be a bug, or could easily be poor installation on my part; but after a few games of playing with Mewtwo, my special moves will stop appearing. They still work, the visual is just no longer present (EX: You can't see shadow ball, but can be hit by it) This fixes itself by simply switching color/skin, but after a few games, it happens again.

Last thing I've noticed: Wall jumping after using teleport sometimes leaves Mewtwo in an invisible state. This typically only lasts for a brief time, and could very well be intentional, but it caught me by surprise the first time I saw it.

Other than those two things, Mewtwo is extremely fun and I've been having a blast.


Everything works great. Love the combos and abilities, although I'm having a hard time getting a good use out of down-b. Maybe if the move wasn't obvious (in a thread I saw it mentioned only eye flashing) it would catch people off guard. As it is, it has a good hitbox but is impossible to land.
I don't think Future Sight is meant to catch anyone off-guard; the intent is to combo into it. Or to keep your opponents away from that point for a bit, or to force them to recover in a particular way, or to make them extra-scared of being grabbed, or to cover you while you charge Shadow Ball.

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
I think less kbg but more bkb on utility would help. It would make it it chains less annoying and help him kill confirm at later percents as well.


OK. The general idea seems to be using it like zelda's din's fire in PM (or how I used it, anyway). Thanks for the help!