Lets get Minus at Apex again!


Because why the hell not? We want a Minus scene right? I would go. Somebody send some e-mails. 1.6 was at apex 2010 and that was broken as hell.


Scientist #1
Minus Backroom
Before i had joined the backroom, i contacted the Apex tournament organizers. They said if i was willing to go and host it that it would be more then welcome, however at the moment they didn't have the staff to accommodate.

Being that i live all the way across the country from the tourny, there was no way i could go and organize it


Well we are sitting a whole year away from apex 2015. Organizing things earlier would probably help out.


Well-Known Member
I have a group of friends that go to apex every year. Maybe I'll tag along and see what I can do. For next year of course.


Well-Known Member
Well yeah, we do. I'll certainly help out if I end up going, but seeing as I can't go....

If I had known we definetly could have planned this better.


Apex 2014 already happened guys...

Apex 2015 is a whole year away... This is about as far ahead as you can plan it.


Well-Known Member
Well I can being an additional wii of needed. Depending on the influence and growth of gamers guild, I may be able to provide more.


Scientist #1
Minus Backroom
I already did talk to the apex staff. They said it would be fine if someone could provide resources and staffing, which i cannot do myself


Well-Known Member
When you say resources and staffing, what do you mean? Manpower and the equipment, tv, console, etc?

Gamers Guild can provide that. Right now, some of them are just going because the competitive scene, but we have equipment and I'm not sure what qualifies for staffing.

Wait, they actually are going to evo right now. I'm assuming some went to apex. When is it?


I already did talk to the apex staff. They said it would be fine if someone could provide resources and staffing, which i cannot do myself

How recent was this? Talking to staff *now* would help get all of that in order. Either because they have time to plan and organize it or because we can get the word out there and have more supporters.


Well-Known Member
if i come (im gonna ask this for my mom as a christmas gift :p), ima bring errthing i have.


Scientist #1
Minus Backroom
If you want Minus at Apex you would have to find people to run the tournament. They said they don't have the equipment or manpower to oversee the tournament. Somebody genuinly interested in running the tournament should contact them via email. You can find it on their site under contact us. I won't be contacting them further, because i simply cannot personally commit to it and don't want to tell them that somebody else might do it.

The person who plans on being the T.O. should be the one to contact them