Actually, I really liked the idea in the fake changelog of "He'll send it right back at ya for sure!" or whatever, so I'd say leave Kirby's copy abilities at least somewhat stronger than the ability of the target he copied. I think some of the stuff should be mostly kept (like getting insta-weak laser - just increase cooldown a few frames [5?] and make the charge time to strong laser the same as ROB's. If he can pull 4-5 motion-sensor bombs before the next grenade, maybe tone it down to two or three before the other grenade goes off - one because Snake can pull a motion sensor bomb and one because Snake could immediately afterwards plant a dsmash, so they can each access two landmines quickly (I'd say 3 because C4 as well, but I understand that might be a bit much)). These things make Kirby's Inhale more important and they also let him even up MUs that might not be so fun - Kirby's final cutter cancels are super useful, but I'd imagine without it he gets zoned worse than CF by ROB, and even with the shockwave he's not terribly even with ROB - the insta-weak laser would certainly help this out. Someone can feel free to correct me on that, it's just an impression I've gotten.