HOPE / DESPAIR :: Brawl Minus Event
DESPAIR Saturday, 12 November, 2016 :: 4:02 PM PST 7:02 PM EST
HOPE Sunday, 13 November, 2016 :: 1:47 PM PST 4:47 PM EST
DESPAIR Saturday, 12 November, 2016 :: 4:02 PM PST 7:02 PM EST
HOPE Sunday, 13 November, 2016 :: 1:47 PM PST 4:47 PM EST
I'm back, bitches.
Well, not exactly. I'm not back in that monthly swing yet. But, I have taken the reigns of TOing twice more to bring the community this obviously Danganronpa-themed pair of tournaments. So why two? Well, there's a few crucial differences between the two in the rulesets. Prepare yourselves for this list:
So uh, yeah, good luck and whatnot. Was never good at closing statements. Ehehe.
- HOPE is Double Elimination, DESPAIR is Swiss to Top X Cut.
- HOPE uses the new 4.0bc official stagelist. DESPAIR uses the old 4.0b, if you really liked that one.
- HOPE has a 7 minute timer, DESPAIR uses 8.
- HOPE is at 1:47PM on Sunday, DESPAIR is at 4PM on Saturday.
Basic rules:
Stage Legality [DESPAIR]
3 Stage Bans in the counterpicking process
Stage Legality [HOPE]
3 Stage Bans in the counterpicking process
- 4 stocks
- 7 minutes [8 for DESPAIR]
- No items
- Dave's Stupid Ass Rule (DSAR): You can't pick a stage you won on in the set
- Sets are best of 3 games, winners, losers, and grand finals are best of 5. Salty Suites are best of 7 unless specified otherwise.
- Game 1 characters are double-blind. After game 1, the loser of the previous game announces the stage choice, the winner announces a character counterpick if desired.
- f a desync occurs, the match is replayed. If continuous desyncs occur, the player with the most stocks and least percent wins. If there is a discrepancy, it's the TO's decision.
- If timeout occurs, the player with most stocks/least percent wins. If there's same stocks and percent, see me.
- In all cases of discrepancy, the ingame Results Screen decides the winner. If Sudden Death occurs, same stock/percent rules apply.
- Stalling is banned. This should be pretty self-expanatory.
- Gentleman's Clause is allowed. All rules can be thrown out the window if both players agree.
Stage Legality [DESPAIR]
3 Stage Bans in the counterpicking process
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Smashville
- Fountain of Dreams
- Yoshi's Island (Brawl)
- Spear Pillar
- Lavander Town
- Castle Siege
- Lylat Cruise
- Halberd
- Warioware
Stage Legality [HOPE]
3 Stage Bans in the counterpicking process
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Pokemon Stadium 2
- Smashville
- Dreamland 64
- Spear Pillar
- Lavander Town
- Yoshi's Story (shows up on SSS as Yoshi's Island Melee)
- Fountain of Dreams
- Lylat Cruise
- Halberd
- Warioware
Full details on bracket page.