Eruption has a hitbox while charging

I first encountered this a while back, and though I was able to reproduce it sometimes, I couldn't do so reliably. Today I sat down and tested, and discovered that it's actually quite simple.

Ike's sword has a hitbox while he charges Eruption, but only for a few frames, and only if Ike is in midair. (That's why I had so much trouble reproducing it: I tested on short characters like Kirby, set to "stand," and Ike holds his sword way too high to hit them unless they jump.)

The hitbox seems to be from f-smash. It deals 22%, just like an uncharged f-smash, and it has similar knockback. Plus, there's a windbox.
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Doqtor Kirby

Resident Design Nitpicker
Minus Backroom
Good job. You found the glitchbox.

In other words, we knew it existed and it will be fixed for the next release.
I want to argue that "it's an interesting mindgame, so you should nerf it instead of deleting it," but deep down I know that doesn't make sense. There's no apparent reason for that hitbox to exist, so it shouldn't.

If anything, it should deal continuous fire damage without hitstun or knockback. I'm not saying Ike needs this, just that it would make sense and add flavor.
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