Bent 00
Longtime Limit Breaker
Bent 00's "Boost-Powered Falcon" Beta 1 (based off 4.0BC Falcon)
Get ready to Show your Moves in Brawl Minus like never before! Captain Falcon is already an excellent fighter in version 4.0BC, but he's not quite Top Tier, thanks mostly to his predictable, easily-gimped recovery. Being a Falcon main, I had to try and tweak Falcon into the best Captain he can be! Now, after much fine-tuning, he's ready. 3, 2, 1, GO!
Neutral Special: Falcon Punch
Fearlessly leap into Flying Falcon Punches with more control and style than ever before!
With Maximum Boost Power, press Special to perform a fast, armored Falcon Punch!
Plow through pesky projectiles and puny punches to combo the competition into oblivion! Just don't overheat.
Raptor Boost Cancels give Falcon aerial mobility and flexibility worthy of his name, but power comes at a price...
With Maximum Boost Power, press Attack + Special while grounded to perform a stronger, Invincible Raptor Boost! Race to the Finish!
With Maximum Boost Power, press Attack + Special while in the air to zoom forward like a F-Zero machine and deliver a stronger, Invincible Raptor Boost!
You got Boost Power! Charge up to the Max to unleash the true power and speed of the Supersonic Slugger.
Pull back foes you aren't done with -- save them only to Knee or PAWNCH them for a stylish K.O.!
DOWNLOAD Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1.0
DOWNLOAD Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1.01
To use, access your SD card (if you play on a Wii system) or sd.raw file (if you play on Dolphin).
Next, go to Minusery > Fighter > Captain.
You'll see a file labeled "FitCaptain.pac". This is the default 4.0BC Captain Falcon.
Rename that file -- something like "(4.0BC Default) FitCaptain.pac" will do -- and leave it there. Do not delete it!
Now download the "(Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1) FitCaptain.pac" file I linked above.
Put this new file in the "Captain" folder, then rename it to "FitCaptain.pac". All done!
You'll need to switch the files back if you want to play online with others who have default 4.0BC Falcon. Otherwise, you will desync.
Be sure to leave me some feedback so I know how to proceed with the next version. Thanks!
Technical Info
I will add to this section later if anyone needs more technical information. I'm still a PSA Novice, so I'm sure my PSA work is not perfect... but these tweaks seem to work, and that's enough for now. This is just Beta 1.
I made these tweaks for fun, and because I wasn't quite satisfied with default 4.0BC Falcon. I'm sharing them here in the Custom Mods section so others can try them out if they would like. I am not trying to push my changes onto anyone, or suggesting these tweaks should be made into Official changes. That said, if any of these tweaks do make it into official Minus, that would be great! Please try to keep any criticism constructive and polite. Comparison of Custom Mods to Official Brawl Minus is inevitable, but I ask that you not bash one or the other too much. Thank you.
Special Thanks
If anyone would like to re-record Demos 1-4 in HD and send them to me to publish over the ones I recorded off a HDTV screen, that would be appreciated. I don't know how to record in HD straight from Dolphin yet.

Get ready to Show your Moves in Brawl Minus like never before! Captain Falcon is already an excellent fighter in version 4.0BC, but he's not quite Top Tier, thanks mostly to his predictable, easily-gimped recovery. Being a Falcon main, I had to try and tweak Falcon into the best Captain he can be! Now, after much fine-tuning, he's ready. 3, 2, 1, GO!
Neutral Special: Falcon Punch
Fearlessly leap into Flying Falcon Punches with more control and style than ever before!
- Air Momentum has been tweaked. Falcon can now adjust his vertical position a bit by holding a direction. This is more noticeable when the Punch is Reversed.
- The "Punch" SFX now sounds on frame 52 instead of frame 55, so that Falcon shouts "Punch" as he is throwing it, instead of having the SFX delayed by HitLag.
With Maximum Boost Power, press Special to perform a fast, armored Falcon Punch!
- Using this immediately resets Boost Power to zero, even if it is interrupted and no HitBox comes out.
- Air Momentum has been tweaked. Falcon can now adjust his vertical position a bit by holding a direction. This is more noticeable when the Punch is Reversed.
- Frame Speed Multiplier (FSM) has been slowed from 3x to 2x (non-Reversed) / 2.51x (Reversed) to allow for new "Falcon" SFX. The "Punch" SFX sounds earlier, too.
- Added 20% Damage-Based Armor to Charged Falcon Punch. It can now only be interrupted (wasting all of Falcon's Boost Power) by Grabs and very hard hits.
- Thanks to Mawootad, the "Slow Motion Charged Falcon Punch" bug is fixed. Landing Charged Falcon Punch mid-move will now retain its speed and single HitBox.
- Pro Tip: Map Up-Taunt to an unused Trigger or Bumper, and start holding it in the air. As long as it remains held, Neutral-Special will only trigger regular Falcon Punch, saving your Charge.
- SFX Note: You might notice that Falcon says "Falcon Kick" if his Charged Falcon Punch is interrupted or slowed down. This can be fixed with a dedicated "Falcon" SFX later.
Plow through pesky projectiles and puny punches to combo the competition into oblivion! Just don't overheat.
- Now deals 3% self-damage to Falcon with every use. As in most of the F-Zero games, Boosting costs Energy. This discourages Raptor Boost spam.
- Made into more of a combo-starting move. Follow up with Up-Air, Knee, or Falcon Dive!
- Grounded Raptor Boost can now Cancel into Jump or Grab. If you have Tap Jump on, it can easily Cancel into Up-Smash too.
- Added 7.5% damage-based armor, which lets Falcon power through weak projectiles, without making him unstoppable. He still takes the damage, just not the KnockBack.
- Now you can hold Special to not slide off ledges with grounded Raptor Boost. If you DO want to slide off ledges, do not hold Special.
- Damage has been increased from 5% + 7% to 5% + 10%.
- Shield Damage has been increased from 0 to 20.
- Base KnockBack has been reduced from 105 to 80.
- KnockBack Growth has been reduced from 82 to 52.
Raptor Boost Cancels give Falcon aerial mobility and flexibility worthy of his name, but power comes at a price...
- Now deals 3% self-damage to Falcon with every use. As in most of the F-Zero games, Boosting costs Energy. This discourages Raptor Boost spam.
- Aerial Raptor Boost can now Cancel into Air Jump, Air Dodge, any Aerial Attack, or any Special Attack except itself.
- Unlike the grounded version, aerial Raptor Boost has no damage-based armor, because it can Cancel into more moves. It trades defense for flexibility.
- Detection HitBoxes improved. Vertical range narrowed, so that Falcon doesn't Punch empty air. Horizontal range widened, so that Falcon doesn't miss point-blank foes.
- Damage has been increased from 7% to 10%.
- Shield Damage has been increased from 2 to 20.
- SpecialAirSStart FSM at frame 36 increased from 1.3x to 1.8x, to speed up EndLag.
With Maximum Boost Power, press Attack + Special while grounded to perform a stronger, Invincible Raptor Boost! Race to the Finish!
- Activating Falcon Finish on frame 9 of grounded Raptor Boost immediately resets Boost Power to zero. This move cannot be interrupted.
- Being a telegraphed, forward-rushing move, this Charged attack has Invincibility (starting on frame 9) instead of only Armor, so that it is not easily thwarted by Grabs.
- This Charged Raptor Boost will deal 3% self-damage to Falcon with each use, just like the uncharged version. Boosting costs energy.
- Unlike Raptor Rush, Falcon Finish cannot be Canceled, but it has a 5% HitBox that Raptor Rush lacks, and its upward KnockBack gives foes no chance of being saved by the ground.
- New Attributes: 5% + 20% Damage, 40 Shield Damage, 105 Base KnockBack, 62 KnockBack Growth.
With Maximum Boost Power, press Attack + Special while in the air to zoom forward like a F-Zero machine and deliver a stronger, Invincible Raptor Boost!
- Activating Raptor Rush on frame 11 of aerial Raptor Boost immediately resets Boost Power to zero. This move cannot be interrupted.
- Being a telegraphed, forward-flying move, this Charged attack has Invincibility (starting on frame 11) instead of only Armor, so that it is not easily thwarted by Grabs.
- This Charged Raptor Boost will deal 3% self-damage to Falcon with each use, just like the uncharged version. Boosting costs energy.
- Compared to Falcon Finish, this move deals 5% less damage, and launches aerial foes downward instead of upward. However, Raptor Rush flies much farther forward, and can be Canceled.
- Raptor Rush retains all of aerial Raptor Boost's Cancelability, but try not to waste your Boost Power by Canceling too early, and be careful not to Rush into the Blast Zone!
- New Attributes: 20% Damage, 40 Shield Damage.
- HitBoxes made to better match the animation, giving them much better coverage. See here and here.
- This move now ends sooner, as Falcon says "Moves". The "YES" SFX has been removed.
- Hold "A" to go a little further horizontally at the apex of Falcon's flip kick. Falcon Dive Overdrive!
- Removed the "on-hit only" requirement for the Falcon Kick Jump Cancel, which was added in 4.0b without being included in any changelogs.
- Hold A + B after two Jabs to do the sliding version, or B + Z to do the non-sliding version. No more unintentional Rapid Jabs when you want a Grab!
- The X Offset on the first kick has been increased from 6 to 10, since I believe it was over-Nerfed.
- "C'mon" SFX removed, because it overlapped with the SFX of Pummel and Throws, and because Falcon now says "C'mon" in three other moves. C'mon, that's enough!
- "YES" SFX replaced with "low voice clip" SFX, because it overlapped with itself, and because Falcon now says "YES" in three other moves. That's enough, yes?
- Now has two versions: Hold A or Z for the Minus-style drop, or don't hold either to get a more vBrawl-style fiery kick that kicks foes away instead of downward.
You got Boost Power! Charge up to the Max to unleash the true power and speed of the Supersonic Slugger.
- Trigger simplified -- now, instead of Up-Taunt, Down-Taunt, Up-Taunt, simply tap or hold Up-Taunt to Charge Boost Power, 1 or 3 levels at a time.
- Tapping Up-Taunt performs a quick 1-level Charge, while holding Up-Taunt will Charge up Boost Power to the Max of 3 levels -- but this takes longer, so beware!
- With each successful level of Boost Power that is Charged, Falcon is healed by 3%. This is a nod to how F-Zero racers must drive over Recharge Strips to regain energy.
- SFX changed. Instead of "Show me, Show me, Show me ya Moves", the SFX is now one "Yess" (or "YES" at Max Charge) for each level of Charge started.
- You'll know that Falcon Charged up a level when you see the healing GFX. He can not heal past 0%.
- There is no benefit to having 1/3 or 2/3 Boost Power, other than being closer to having Max Charge.
- Falcon starts flashing once he has Charged up Maximum Boost Power. The only way to reset Boost Power to 0/3 is to use one of Falcon's Charged Special Moves.
- Boost Charge has 5% damage-based armor, so that it is not easily interrupted by lasers and other fast, weak attacks.
Pull back foes you aren't done with -- save them only to Knee or PAWNCH them for a stylish K.O.!
- Sped up via 2x FSM, Interrupt moved from frame 100 to 91, HitBox Size increased by 1.5x.
- Hold Down-Taunt to put a funny 1% damage, high-KnockBack HitBox on Falcon's hand.
- Don't want the HitBox? Tap Down-Taunt instead of holding it.
- I recommend mapping an unused Trigger or Bumper to Up-Taunt, so you can Dash > Crouch Cancel > Boost Charge while sliding.
- Notice how well Falcon Punch works offstage now. Falcon can go really deep for amazing flying Knees and PAWNCHes, then still make it back to the stage.
- I plan to add some more GFX and SFX polish, but I figure I should get feedback on the core stuff first. No need to work on polish if the core is disliked.
- If anything seems unbalanced, well... I wanted to start strong and whittle down things where necessary. I'm trying to Break some Limits!
DOWNLOAD Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1.0
DOWNLOAD Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1.01
To use, access your SD card (if you play on a Wii system) or sd.raw file (if you play on Dolphin).
Next, go to Minusery > Fighter > Captain.
You'll see a file labeled "FitCaptain.pac". This is the default 4.0BC Captain Falcon.
Rename that file -- something like "(4.0BC Default) FitCaptain.pac" will do -- and leave it there. Do not delete it!
Now download the "(Boost-Powered Falcon Beta 1) FitCaptain.pac" file I linked above.
Put this new file in the "Captain" folder, then rename it to "FitCaptain.pac". All done!
You'll need to switch the files back if you want to play online with others who have default 4.0BC Falcon. Otherwise, you will desync.
Be sure to leave me some feedback so I know how to proceed with the next version. Thanks!
Technical Info
I will add to this section later if anyone needs more technical information. I'm still a PSA Novice, so I'm sure my PSA work is not perfect... but these tweaks seem to work, and that's enough for now. This is just Beta 1.
I made these tweaks for fun, and because I wasn't quite satisfied with default 4.0BC Falcon. I'm sharing them here in the Custom Mods section so others can try them out if they would like. I am not trying to push my changes onto anyone, or suggesting these tweaks should be made into Official changes. That said, if any of these tweaks do make it into official Minus, that would be great! Please try to keep any criticism constructive and polite. Comparison of Custom Mods to Official Brawl Minus is inevitable, but I ask that you not bash one or the other too much. Thank you.
Special Thanks
- All Brawl Minus Devs, especially those who have worked on Captain Falcon
- Dr., for helping me a lot with PSA
- Mawootad, for sharing his fix for the Slow Motion Charged Falcon Punch bug
- Mimsy, for early Beta Testing and Feedback
If anyone would like to re-record Demos 1-4 in HD and send them to me to publish over the ones I recorded off a HDTV screen, that would be appreciated. I don't know how to record in HD straight from Dolphin yet.
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