Can Zeus Get Some attention?

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I know that Brawl Minus is where all the attention is right now. But I still also play Zeus from time to time. It's a hidden gem that, by looks of the forum for it, most people don't know about or have ignored. I'm curious to see if there are any other people who play Zeus, and who have figured out anything about it that I haven't yet.

Other Aether

I feel Minus is better than Zeus, personally. Not just better in execution, but a better core premise. Games with better ideas get more love (usually). However, if the devs are interested, I'd be willing to try to pick up Zeus and work on it to help me further my knowledge in PSA, but only if they've abandoned it.
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The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I'd agree that Minus is better, but I also feel that it's a different experience as a whole. The thing is I've played my fair share of Zeus and I still don't know much about it.


WHAT IS ZEUS. It just seems extremely wacky too me. Like wackier than some of the early build of minus

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I second NEWB's question.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
The only reason I don't play PM as much is because my roomates at school don't like it because it's another Melee(can't pick up items while moving, different physics, etc.) Honestly, if I could find a way to get Turbo mode onto a copy of minus....things would be different. and believe me, I've tried to "extract" the necessary files and codes and only found some, but definitely not all that I need. But, I'd say I switch between the three as well. That Zeus soccer stage is a fun cool down after some heated matches.


Honestly, if I could find a way to get Turbo mode onto a copy of minus....things would be different. and believe me, I've tried to "extract" the necessary files and codes and only found some, but definitely not all that I need.
Once I get back from school, I'll upload part of my custom build that puts Turbo mode into Minus. :D

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Once I get back from school, I'll upload part of my custom build that puts Turbo mode into Minus. :D
GASP! :Do_O:eek:
Well, I'd see that as quite the generous offer. I'd probably keep working on my custom build of Minus, already put Roy and Mewtwo in. Now that I have Pichu files, I'll add him/her as well. I still need to figure out why Shadow the Hedgehog isn't working. Turbo Mode would be an excellent addition. Just trying to imagine Minus in turbo mode is...slaughter.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
Thanks Light. I'll add this and see what else I can do.
Back on the Zeus topic, the mod actually has some interesting and creative PSA's and stages, even though not all the Final Smashes work


Well-Known Member
Does turbo mode really make a difference in minus? We have a lot cancels already so I'm not sure that we benefit that much.

I HAVE to think that it isn't balanced for minus either.

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
NEWB. It's something else. I played it just now. I don't what else to say. Turbo Mode isn't something to play tournaments with, it's something to add a little fun, a little mayhem, add a little of that The Joker's essence. It's just a fun little thing to have. The super spicy curry item won't be missed and if Turbo mode becomes a problem, we could always turn the item off.


Master of Arbitrary Opnions
Prepare yourself!
Turbo mode has (un)officially made its way into Minus 3.3! All you need is 3.3 and this patch.
Go forth, and unleash the power of Minus in insane speed!​

Nice! Love Turbo Mode.
Some bugs though:
Gandouken lost it's flame effect! Its just a boring orange blob now....
The Shadow Toon Link skin is now a Vaati skin?????

@The Concept, how'd you get Roy/Mewtwo in? (I can't figure any of this stuff out...)


Nice! Love Turbo Mode.
Some bugs though:
Gandouken lost it's flame effect! Its just a boring orange blob now....
The Shadow Toon Link skin is now a Vaati skin?????
Hmm. Ill look into it. And I honestly don't know why Too Link's shadow texture turned into Vaati. Lol..

Also, I have Roy and Mewtwo added in as well. I'm working on maximizing them and hopefully releasing them as another patch. So far, only Roy is semi-complete. :)

The Concept

Philosopher & Assassin
I used BrawlBox and The Brawl EX Clone Engine. Roy was easy. Mewtwo took some work because of how the shadow ball move is filed. I think I had to get another psa from the Vault. The problem is that they're Project M weighted, and I don't know how to change that. It's something I'm hoping to learn this summer. The moves themselves are nice, especially Roy's as he can hold his own against any minus 3.3 character. I'm still messing with the clone engine, trying to load Shadow the Hedgehog and Minus 3.3's Pichu failed, for some reason. This was never this difficult before but I am now finding success scarce.
Also, The Vaati skin has nothing to do with turbo, it was actually that way when 3.3 was released.
Ganon's Send-You-To-Hell Punch(because 666 damage), shoots a yellow orb, it's no longer enflamed, but I still think it does flame damage. I'll test that as well.

I'd be interested in seeing/testing your roy and mewtwo, either during development or the final thing.


I'd be interested in seeing/testing your roy and mewtwo, either during development or the final thing.
Right now, Roy is too buff. Like, his forward smash can deal 35% and kill in one hit lol. :D (Working on fixing that.)
Also, I downloaded a Roy that has been balanced for vBrawl. It's a combination of Project M and Thany's decloned Roy. He's not heavy, his jumps go higher, and his upB goes a little further. I'll let you test him once I get him a little more balanced. :D