Break Sign - Stage 4 : Brawl Minus Netplay Tournament


The birdcario community member

The Break Sign series strikes back as its first Minus 4.0BC tourney for Stage 4! [Please read the rules to avoid conflict]

Stream will be @

With the upcoming of Special Fall, I thought I'd give another netplay tournament for people to look forward too next month. We are planning to start an hour earlier than the usual now as well.

  • -Players must use the official Brawl Minus Netplay Dolphin build. Be sure to check in the main menu if you have 4.0rc1-07092016-netplay like so
  • -A brawl iso to set default to for the Dolphin build.
  • -It's recommended that no other alterations to files in the build to be done.
  • -Players must signup on the challonge page.
  • -Players must check in within the hour before the tournament starts in the challonge page.
  • -The Brawl Minus Discord server will be used for communication in the #tourney channel among players and the organizer(s).
[Failure to check in and or attend the Brawl Minus Discord server will result in disqualification]
[Players must record correct scores on Challonge and not attempt to manipulate challonge scores for malicious reasons]

  • -Items are set to Off/None
  • -4 Stocks/8 minutes
  • -Suicide Clause. If both players lose their remaining stock due to a suicide move, the win is given to the initiator of the move regardless of a sudden death turnout or what the results screen says.
  • -Stalling off screen(e.g. out of screen/blast zone camping) or any "under stage" camping is not allowed. [Traveling under the stage from one ledge to the other is excluded from this]
  • -Timed out matches will determine a winner by the following factors in priority order: 1st - Most lives, 2nd - Least Percentage.
  • If both players result in being identical in stock and percentage, players must restart the game with 1 stock/2 minutes using the identical characters and stage.
~Character/Stage selection rules~
First Round
  • -Characters must be selected before stage banning.
  • -Starter stage striking order is P1-P2-P2-P1. The remaining starter stage will be played on.
CounterPick Rounds
  • -The winner of a game has to declare a character switch if they wish to before the loser decides whether or not he wants to change their character.
  • -Counterpick stages can be selected and winner of a game will strike 3 stages and the loser gets to select which stage that has not been striked to play the following game on.
  • -Dave's Stupid Rule is in effect. A player can't select a stage to play on that they have previously played on unless agreed to by the other player.
  • -Gentleman's clause is in effect. Both players have the option to mutually agree to play on any stage including a banned stage. ~![Temple will be the only exception to this]!~
~Stage List~
Starter Picks
  • -Final Destination
  • -Battlefield
  • -SmashVille
  • -Dreamland 64
  • -Pokemon Stadium 2
Counter Picks
  • -Yoshi's Story (Shows as Yoshi's Island in the SSS)
  • -Lylat Cruise
  • -Spear Pillar
  • -WarioWare
  • -Lavender Town
  • -Halberd
  • -Fountain of Dreams (Melee)
~Prize Pool Splits~
C Tier Attendance (min. 8 players)
  • -1st place: $15
  • -2nd place: $10
  • -3rd place: $5
B Tier Attendance (min. 16 players)
  • -1st place: $20
  • -2nd place: $15
  • -3rd place: $10
  • -4th place: $5
A Tier Attendance (min. 24 players)
  • -1st place: $25
  • -2nd place: $20
  • -3rd place: $15
  • -4th place: $10
S Tier Attendance (min. 32 players)
  • -1st place: $30
  • -2nd place: $25
  • -3rd place: $20
  • -4th place: $15
  • -5th place: $5
  • -6th place: $5
[Winning players can contact YV | Joeybeta in the Brawl Minus Discord group, Skype group, or by email ( if no arrangements have been made the evening of the tournament in the Brawl Minus Discord server]
! Results are in !
For full Challonge bracket ->
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Equals Trash
In the early days Joey and I made a huge push for netplay,(you could hate us for that, sorry), because it's the more effective way of playing and the game for people who live a good distance away(Most of the Discord community). One huge plus is that the input lag is reduced dramatically on netplay. Worst case scenario is you play with buffer thats slightly less then wifi input lag. On average you should be either on the fringe of playing games that hardly have any input lag and almost simulate local play, or you would play with a decent amount of input lag that is dramatically less then wifi. Also it's far more easier to stream netplay as opposed to wifi. It's alot more common nowadays to have a computer that's capable of running dolphin smoothly at 60fps. I can understand if someone doesn't because of other priorities, but there's definitely been an influx of them that are capable of running 60fps dolphin on netplay.

Kymaera K1ng

A PMCC player
In the early days Joey and I made a huge push for netplay,(you could hate us for that, sorry), because it's the more effective way of playing and the game for people who live a good distance away(Most of the Discord community). One huge plus is that the input lag is reduced dramatically on netplay. Worst case scenario is you play with buffer thats slightly less then wifi input lag. On average you should be either on the fringe of playing games that hardly have any input lag and almost simulate local play, or you would play with a decent amount of input lag that is dramatically less then wifi. Also it's far more easier to stream netplay as opposed to wifi. It's alot more common nowadays to have a computer that's capable of running dolphin smoothly at 60fps. I can understand if someone doesn't because of other priorities, but there's definitely been an influx of them that are capable of running 60fps dolphin on netplay.
No, I understand it's better. But I'm getting my computer in 1 whole month...
I guess I'll have to be patient... It's a good computer at least.