I prefer chargeable eruption to NSM quite frankly. I'm also a fan of Counte-ruption, but I know most strongly dislike that, so I'm hardly going to argue for it beyond simply stating, "Hey, I kinda liked that!"
I haven't played him much since he was changed up. Jumping out of Quickdraw on the ground would be an awesome but kinda crazy buff. I'd be down [I'm sure you're familiar with my stance on Falcon], but I'd be careful of it.
[There's a chance he could use it to catapult himself through the air based on how momentum tends to work... I doubt it would be anything crazy, but depending on how game physics respond, it might let ftilt to combo into fair at specific percents or something absurd like that.]
I know for certain I want the heal on Aether back. That was awesome and flavorful and I really think there was no good reason to remove it [it's not like it's a remotely reliable healing option]. Unless it was already added back and I just didn't notice, then... cool!