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  1. B

    Community Replays for Character Intro videos!

    Is custom content (ie skins) permitted for this project?
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    Minus Problems Launching Through Homebrew

    May seem obvious, but have you tried just formatting your SD card and reinstalling? I've had similar problems with PM in the past and that usually did the trick.
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    4.0b cBliss Alternative

    I just posted this in another thread about the issue, but I figured I'd put it here to make it more visible since it took me a while to realize the problem. For those unaware, cBliss, the code that expands each character's costume slots to a maximum of 10, doesn't work with Minus as of 4.0b...
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    Using cBliss with Brawl Minus?

    Not sure why this isn't more widely publicized - I spent the better part of the past few days trying to figure out exactly why cBliss wouldn't work with Minus - but the issue isn't the Minus CSS; rather, cBliss and BrawlEx (which Minus uses to load Roy and Pichu) are simply incompatible...
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    Brawl Minus 4.0b Bug Report Thread

    Not sure whether this is intentional, but ROB has an unused custom skin in the Minus files. It's named "FitRobot01", but 01 isn't a valid slot for ROB.
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    Crashes when using skins from PM

    So I've been playing Brawl Minus on Dolphin and recently decided to put in a bunch of custom skins. Overall it was a pretty smooth process and I have all my desired skins working now with the exception of two. I attempted to import the crown Jigglypuff and black Ivysaur skins from PM, copying...