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  1. Greatest_Aether

    Just ask Tybis. Tell him I sent you to learn about the Roy thing Also call him a meanie for me.

    Just ask Tybis. Tell him I sent you to learn about the Roy thing Also call him a meanie for me.
  2. Greatest_Aether

    I'll give you a hint: ROY.

    I'll give you a hint: ROY.
  3. Greatest_Aether

    What does that have to do with anything?

    What does that have to do with anything?
  4. Greatest_Aether

    You're mean.

    You're mean.
  5. Greatest_Aether

    Smash 4 Matchmaking Thread

    Gotta go. GG. Could have done without that Roy thing though. But hey, at least now you see how bad I was.
  6. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

  7. Greatest_Aether

    Smash 4 Matchmaking Thread

    Online. Added you 2.
  8. Greatest_Aether

    Smash 4 Matchmaking Thread

    Greatest_Aether (Smash/Miiverse name: Stryker) 0190-0318-5832
  9. Greatest_Aether

    Kien's Custom Minus Build

    Yeah....As if the REGULAR Minus characters were ANYTHING like they used to be. They're really close to just partially buffed vBrawl fighters. And now they are NERFED EVEN MORE. I'm stickin' to my pack. Without moveset changes. Except maybe the Safe Flying Warlock Punch. Maybe.
  10. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

    Alsn hate Ness' new voice.
  11. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

    Might not be able to get online for a bit. I'll tell you when I am.
  12. Greatest_Aether

    Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion

    I've never really had trouble with Bowser either. Yeah he's buffed and all, but I have no trouble with him.
  13. Greatest_Aether

    Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion

    Mega Man is awesome. He's a... SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT!
  14. Greatest_Aether
  15. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

    HYES! Was able to go on wifi for a bit today and here's my 3DS Friend Code: 0190-0318-5832 Tell me if you add me, your friend code and if you wanna go online. Someone make a SSB4 matchmaking thread.
  16. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

    While on taunts, Fox and Falco keep thier Smash Taunts.
  17. Greatest_Aether

    Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion

    Little Mac, Ike and Mega Man. #HitEmBaby #PrepareYourself #HesAFightingRobot
  18. Greatest_Aether

    Most OP version of each character?

    Who's Purin? Aren't they from Metal Gear Solid or something?
  19. Greatest_Aether

    Toil is a Fraud

    Samus falls like PM. Actually, not that fast.
  20. Greatest_Aether

    So... Smash 4.

    In the right hands, Mega is awesome. The same can be said for everyone.