Recent content by Yrocktube

  1. Y

    [.:Release:.] MinimaLauncher Forwarders for Wii/vWii and WiiU

    [About] The WADs are used to launch MinimaLauncher, an app used to launch Brawl Minus. You can install them on the Wii and vWii System Menu using homebrew applications such as YAWMM. Even though we already had forwarders for a long time, these are for the Wii Title ID - BRAL MinimaLauncher.wad...
  2. Y

    Request Thread for Brawl Minus 4.2!

    Update Shadow Moses Island. Simple fix: Remove walls on both sides of the stage Two platforms on each side of the map Bent 00 fix: Walls could be passed through like pillars in Luigi's Mansion Floors beyond the walls removed Alternative: Remove walls on both sides of the stage Two...
  3. Y

    Request Thread for Brawl Minus 4.2!

    Incoming costume ideas! Additional costume ideas: Fox - Doge with recolors (unless Elliot takes control of project again) or Melee Fox Falco - Bird with recolors or Melee Falco Wolf - Literal Wolf with recolors and James Bond villain costume Captain Falcon - GX Falcon with recolors plus n64...