Recent content by Pin Clock

  1. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 5.1 Changelog thread

    After a year and a half of preperations, we are now ready to lift the curtains and unveil the stage of Brawl Minus 5.1! New stages, new songs, new character tweaks and more await in this brand new version of Brawl Minus! Download Links [ Console ] :: [ Console Mirror #1 ] [ Dolphin/Netplay ]...
  2. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 5.0.5 Changelog Thread

    First off, let me start by saying HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY <3!, and I hope you all have a very lovely day! Now, for our valentine's gift to you, we give you our balance patch, determined by feedback from all of you, the players, who have been posting in our..Discord! Here's Brawl Minus 5.0.5...
  3. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 5.0 Changelog Thread!

    After 5 years of hard work, discussion, debate, anticipation, and an entire pandemic later, the newest iteration of Brawl Minus, 5.0, is finally here! We cannot wait for you to finally get a taste of what's in store... Download Links Wii/Wifi (Glitch Server Mirror 5.0.5) Dolphin/Netplay (Google...
  4. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official #16: Campus Crashers!

    Back to boring. Let's crash the party with a Tournament! Want in? Of course you do! Here's how: 1. Download the Official Netplay Build here: 2. Register for the tournament here: 3. On September 24th...
  5. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official #15: Nautical Nights!

    I've had enough of hot summers, haven't you? Well then sailor, climb aboard and spent some time with the Brawl Minus Nautical Nights Tournament! Grab a drink, grab a friend, enjoy the lights as you beat the lights out of them! This seaside affair takes place on July 16th 2022 at 6:00PM...
  6. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official Tournament #14: Sumemr Scorcher!

    The Summer is going strong, the heat is intense, take a break to chill down in the Brawl Minus Summer Scorcher! While you'll be cool from the sun inside the heat of this tournament will burn the flame in everyone's hearts! The heat is on August 7th 2021 at 6:00PM EST/3:00PM PST, be there or get...
  7. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.0BC Official Tournament Ruleset

    Updated the Rules once more! The stagelist has been changed Suicide initiator no longer wins, Results Screen decides winner Pause Rule was tweaked Netplay Technical Issues rules have been added for the sake of moving the event along.
  8. Pin Clock

    4.2 Official Tournament #13: Out of Quarantime Tournament!

    15 months have passed, and humanity is now slowly emerging from its doors and returning to the sunlight. But who wants that when you could be breaking limits in BRAWL MINUS BABY!!! Come back inside and play with us (Online, of course!) on June 26th, 2021, at 6:00 PM EST/3 PM PST, and do the same...
  9. Pin Clock

    4.2 Official #12: The Quarantime Tournament!

    Stuck inside for Quarantine? Be stuck inside with us! (not really stay in your own home please) On May 30th, 2020, at 6:00 PM EST/3 PM PST, we're gonna break some limits like the good ol' days when we didn't need to wear masks! Want in? Here's how: 1. Download the Official Netplay Build here...
  10. Pin Clock

    4.2 Official #11: 10 Years of Minus: The Present Tournament

    After reflecting on the 2.x.6 days, let's get back to the current day...the 10 years of Brawl Minus! On March 28th, 2020, at 6:00 PM EST/3 PM PST, (which is one day after Brawl Minus turns 10!) we will celebrate 10 years of Brawl Minus with a 4.2 Official! Be there for this truly special...
  11. Pin Clock

    10 Years of Minus: The Beginnings - A 2.X.6 Tournament!

    What is different in 2.x.6 from 4.2 I figured I should make a second post to clarify some game changes between these two versions just so everyone knows a little of what to expect going in Spear Pillar is vBrawl, which is why it's not legal. Smashville does not give you a round of applause...
  12. Pin Clock

    10 Years of Minus: The Beginnings - A 2.X.6 Tournament!

    To first celebrate 10 years of Brawl Minus, we must go back to our roots...On March 14th, 2020, at 6:00 PM EST/3 PM PST, we will have our first 2.x.6 Official! Experience all the limitless power from this past version on our stream! It's a completely different ballgame than 4.2, so be prepared...
  13. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official Tournament #10: Fight to the Future!

    After our previous climax is the dawn of a new beginning...a new decade for Brawl Minus! On January 25th, 2020, at 6:00 PM EST/3 PM PST, we will embrace the future in our 10th 4.2 Official Tournament! Be there for the future of Minus! 1. Download the Official Netplay Build here...
  14. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official #9: The Decade's Denouement

    A Denouement's kinda like a climax, right? Google says it is technically. Well if one thing's for sure, it's the finale of the decade, and what better way to send it off than with a Tournament? A Brawl Minus tournament, of course! The finale (of the decade) shall take place on December 14th...
  15. Pin Clock

    Brawl Minus 4.2 Official #8: A Nightmare on 666th Street!

    New rule introduced this tournament: Players must have their Discord name and name in the bracket be one and the same. If it is discovered you are using a different name on each, your Discord name will be changed and you will temporarily lose nickname privileges.