The forums are loading slowly...


Well-Known Member
Facebook, Smashboards, Gmail, websites related to doing homework [homepages for Physics courses and the like], Google, Google search results... they ALL load faster than the Brawl Minus forums for some reason. It was not always this way [I think], but I have really noticed it recently and it is rather annoying.

Does anyone else have this problem? If they did have this problem and fixed it, how? Information/advice is appreciated.


Failure Incarnate
You're not the only one. I could turn off all the other stuff in the house and the site would still load slowly.


GG M8s
Minus Backroom
Glitch disabled the cache so I could change my profile pic, although most of those websites don't need a cache to load fast. Zenforo, the base we use for the forums is just coded badly.

Tldr; version of it is the forums are coded badly and it's getting fixed.

Doqtor Kirby

Resident Design Nitpicker
Minus Backroom
Gravatar is the future