Well-Known Member
THA SPARK (changed the terrible name)
what i hope i achieve out of these tournaments are quality matches that shows brawl minus at a high lvl. the growth of a community needs such gameplay in order to truely SPARK. That being said, WELCOME TO THA SPARKthis tournament is set to start off on July, 9. EST: 3:00 PM. The neutral stages are in green. the counter picks are in orange.
- BattleField
- Temple
- SmashVille
- Lylat Cruise
- Yoshi's Island
- Pokemon stadium 2
- Rumble Falls
- Wario Ware Inc.
- Fountain of Dreams
- Yoshi's Story
- SkyWorld
- Final Destination
- Spear Pillar
**note: i will cover the most important rules in green, and the second most important rules in light blue for your
- monthlies, double elimination
- 4 stock, 8 mins
- Usually, sets between players are played best 2 out of 3 matches (using 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 7 for final rounds)
- pausing is disabled
- In the case that time runs out and both characters have an equal amount of lives, the character with less damage wins the match. If both characters have equal lives and damage, the match must be replayed; Sudden Death is strictly not to be played.
- Players are given the option to "strike" stages from the random select (2 each).
- the order of the strikes are,"1-2-2-1" that is, player 1 strikes, player 2 striker, player 2 again, and player 1 finally.
- The loser of the first match (and of successive matches) chooses the next stage, and then the winner bans one stage and chooses his character, and then the loser chooses his character. This series of choices is called slob picks
- The winner can also not choose any stage that has already been played earlier that round. This rule is known as "Dave's Stupid Rule," named after Scamp
- any infinites done will have the limit of 200%. any more will have the player forfeit the round.
- stalling is banned!!!!
- In order to play in this tournament, you must check in with me before July, 8 EST: 10:30. max player is 16
- if you disconnect thanks to the amazing servers, try to connect again for a round do-over. If you disconnect again, the person who had the less %/more stocks wins that round.
- report to me how the sets went. Ex, Glyph 2-1 Baby_Sneak, and I'll tell you who will you battle. Ex, Glyph vs Kien
people that are playing:
Baby_Sneak (ofc )
doqtor kirby
bent 00
Pin Clock
Baby_Sneak (ofc )
doqtor kirby
bent 00
Pin Clock
EDIT 2: all who are participating, plz put your name as the same here. some guy called Gmoney was almost removed because i didnt know who he was, but just assumed since he know this thread, and brawl minus in particular, he would ok
EDIT 3: i serverly apologise for all the people who signed on to for the tournament. i didnt realize there were far superior and accessible formats to use. im going to use a new way to sign you guys on. just ay you're in and i'll put your name in the spoilers. the spoilers confirms all who are participating in the event. thank you for your cooporation.
EDIT 4: bracket:
(note: doqk actually lost to NEWB, so yea)
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