With the removal of Pokemon Trainer, All Star Mode is now broken


New Member
Before the update when you get to the pokemon section of All Star, everything will work as intended. Now everything is still fine until the pokemon trainer loads up. I was able to play on Pokemon stadium, fighting lucario and pikachu. when I defeated one of them and pk trainer was next, the game froze as it tried to load him up.

Since he was removed the game cannot load the correct character thus making the mode playable up until that certain section.

Hopefully there will be a fix, as all star is one of my favourite parts of playing this mod.


New Member
Does anyone know if this particular bug has been fixed? Seeing as my favorite part of brawl in general is playing all star with my buddies, confirmation of a fix would be nice.


New Member
Hello! Ok so i messed up my first post buttt... i have fixed this issue a while back. Ok so get both of the files i attched . Install common2.pac to SD:/Minusery/system. and STGHEAL.PAC Belongs to SD:/Minusery/stage/melee. This fixes event matches aswell! Sorry for the late response i didnt know the forums existed. One more thing this will never work with PM 3.6 because of the way gecko handels pm gct and it will not read common2 correctly, just if you where going to try. (You dont need stgheal if you dont want it)


  • common2.pac
    2.5 MB · Views: 514
    1,011.4 KB · Views: 571
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