Trouble with Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi Error: 60000)


Hardcore will never die, but you will.
So, I've been trying to get onto online just to see if I could do so and find my FC again, but... I keep getting Error: 60000, aka, Nintendo Wi-Fi servers are shut down.

Now, I've already tried a couple of things. I typically play on the hotfix version of 4.0b, so I decided to use launch-day version to see if a different RSBE.gtc file was there that messed it up. No dice. I tried it both with and without homebrew. No dice. I tried looking in the RSBE.gtc file (or at least the RSBE.txt file that was in the 'code' folder) to see if the code was even there, and it was. So, I don't know if it isn't recognizing the code or what. I've gotten my Wii to connect to my Wi-Fi network, so... I got nothing.


Minus Backroom
I believe the issue is that your Wii has a friend code registered to the Nintendo wifi servers but not with the Wiimmfi servers. This results in your Wii being unable to connect because of a friend code mismatch. You will need to delete your save file (thus clearing your friend code) in order to connect to the Wiimmfi servers (if you are 100% certain you have connected to Wiimmfi on that Wii previously then disregard this, you have a different issue).