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Hello all. Super Famicon, a convention based in North Carolina, is starting tomorrow. I am entering the Super Smash Bros. Melee and Project M singles tournaments. And while I am excited to go, I feel I need to get something off of my chest. I’ve been playing competitive Smash bros for two years now. I’ve played Smash for as long as I can remember, starting from Melee. I’ve enjoyed putting my skills to the test. I try to play more technical in more games than just Smash Bros. Platformers, Shooters, and Racing Games are the ones I practice the most, even if it’s just speedrunning a game that I like.
However, as I’ve gotten more into Brawl Minus, it has gotten more tedious to play the game. I frustrates me every day when I feel that I am not improving at all. It is aggravating to practice constantly and then have nothing to show for it in tournaments or netplay friendlies. Part of it feels like it’s the dev team constantly leaving bullshit in the game for the sake of silliness and ignoring user feedback because of some sort of stubbornness. Part of it is due to how certain netplay connections, i.e. East coast player vs West coast player, make the C-stick unresponsive and the input buffer throws off my game. And it’s not much better on the Wii's wi-fi, ugh. But in the end, I don’t put the blame on that. I put it on myself for not being able to adapt.
Look. I created “AGentleStar” because I wanted to make animations on the internet. I was inspired by animators like Harry Partridge and Don Hertzfeldt. I’ve wanted to do this for 5 years. I only created the channel 2 years ago and have uploaded one video. I don’t want to make my channel Smash content related, cuz God know how many of those are on the internet, but I have become so addicted to the game that I struggle to get myself to animate. Usually it was school that kept me from doing it or the fear of not having the right equipment. I realize now that it was for the best that I didn’t start until I was an adult. After Super Famicon, I’m probably gonna quit competitive Smash. I don’t know for how long.
I really wanted to make this thread to ask this question: What motivates you to play competitively? Why did you start? I know that there is a lot of arguing that goes on whenever people talk about their preferred smash game. Regardless, I want to talk about the series as a whole. What motivates you to play ANY smash game? While I’ll happily continue to promote the mod, I think I have lost the ability to enjoy playing this series casually. Maybe this thread might help reinvigorate players who want to have a reason to keep playing competitively. I just really hope this doesn’t start an argument. Play how you like and be considerate of others when playing. Doesn’t matter to me if it’s casual or competitive. But currently, in my case, I don’t find enjoyment in either playstyle.
However, as I’ve gotten more into Brawl Minus, it has gotten more tedious to play the game. I frustrates me every day when I feel that I am not improving at all. It is aggravating to practice constantly and then have nothing to show for it in tournaments or netplay friendlies. Part of it feels like it’s the dev team constantly leaving bullshit in the game for the sake of silliness and ignoring user feedback because of some sort of stubbornness. Part of it is due to how certain netplay connections, i.e. East coast player vs West coast player, make the C-stick unresponsive and the input buffer throws off my game. And it’s not much better on the Wii's wi-fi, ugh. But in the end, I don’t put the blame on that. I put it on myself for not being able to adapt.
Look. I created “AGentleStar” because I wanted to make animations on the internet. I was inspired by animators like Harry Partridge and Don Hertzfeldt. I’ve wanted to do this for 5 years. I only created the channel 2 years ago and have uploaded one video. I don’t want to make my channel Smash content related, cuz God know how many of those are on the internet, but I have become so addicted to the game that I struggle to get myself to animate. Usually it was school that kept me from doing it or the fear of not having the right equipment. I realize now that it was for the best that I didn’t start until I was an adult. After Super Famicon, I’m probably gonna quit competitive Smash. I don’t know for how long.
I really wanted to make this thread to ask this question: What motivates you to play competitively? Why did you start? I know that there is a lot of arguing that goes on whenever people talk about their preferred smash game. Regardless, I want to talk about the series as a whole. What motivates you to play ANY smash game? While I’ll happily continue to promote the mod, I think I have lost the ability to enjoy playing this series casually. Maybe this thread might help reinvigorate players who want to have a reason to keep playing competitively. I just really hope this doesn’t start an argument. Play how you like and be considerate of others when playing. Doesn’t matter to me if it’s casual or competitive. But currently, in my case, I don’t find enjoyment in either playstyle.